Good forgive my ignorance and my inability to understand javascript but I have a big problem, I would like to separate a string of text so that when you separate it the other part is on the bottom as if there was a "/ n" or a br / > This is my code:
function _drawAGT_RiskTable(CanvasId, ArrayObj, ArrayPoints, isIntPoints, ArraySettings) {
var _elem = $('#' + CanvasId);
var _a = ArrayObj;
var _b = ArrayPoints;
var _s = (ArraySettings === undefined) ? {
gridWidth: 75,
fontSizeScale: 12,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
distanceX: 0,
distanceY: 0,
extraWidth: 0,
extraHeight: 0,
array: [],
rangeX: 0,
rangeY: 0,
m: [],
fontSizeScaleTable: '12',
} : ArraySettings;
$.each(_a, function (i, v) { _s.array.push(v.X); });
_s.rangeX = Math.max.apply(Math, _s.array) + 1;
_s.array = [];
$.each(_a, function (i, v) { _s.array.push(v.Y); });
_s.rangeY = Math.max.apply(Math, _s.array) + 1;
_s.m = _generateMatrix(_s.rangeX, _s.rangeY, _a);
_elem.attr({ width: _s.extraWidth + _s.gridWidth + _s.distanceX + (_s.gridWidth * _s.rangeY) + 'px', height: _s.extraHeight + _s.gridWidth + _s.distanceY + (_s.gridWidth * _s.rangeX) + 'px' })
for (var i = 0; i < _s.rangeX; i++) // dranwing grid
for (var j = 0; j < _s.rangeY; j++) {
layer: true,
bringToFront: false,
strokeStyle: '#000',
strokeWidth: _s.m[i][j].StrokeWidth,
fillStyle: _s.m[i][j].ReferenceColor,
x: _s.gridWidth * (j + 1) + _s.distanceX, y: _s.gridWidth * (i + 1) + _s.distanceY,
width: _s.gridWidth,
height: _s.gridWidth,
for (var i = 0; i < _s.rangeX; i++) // dranwing text scale
for (var j = 0; j < _s.rangeY; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
_drawCustomText(_matrixTextY(_a)[i], _elem, _s, i, j, isIntPoints, _s.fontSizeScaleTable);
if (i == 0 && j > 0) {
_drawCustomText(_matrixTextX(_a)[j], _elem, _s, i, j, isIntPoints, _s.fontSizeScaleTable);
$.each(_b, function (i, v) { _drawPoint(v, _elem, _s); });
function _drawLastScale() {
layer: true,
fillStyle: '#00a',
fontSize: _s.fontSizeScale + 'px',
x: _s.distanceX + (_s.gridWidth + _s.gridWidth / 2 - _s.fontSizeScale / 2),
y: _s.distanceY + (_s.gridWidth + _s.gridWidth / 2 + _s.fontSizeScale / 2),
fontFamily: _s.fontFamily,
text: _s.rangeX,
rotate: 0,
layer: true,
fillStyle: '#00a',
fontSize: _s.fontSizeScale + 'px',
x: _s.distanceX + (_s.gridWidth * _s.rangeY + _s.gridWidth / 2),
y: _s.distanceY + (_s.gridWidth + _s.gridWidth / 2 - _s.fontSizeScale / 2),
fontFamily: _s.fontFamily,
text: _s.rangeY,
rotate: 0,
function _findEqualPoint(_obj) {
var ep = 0;
var i = 0;
while (_b[i].Id != _obj.Id) {
if ((_b[i].X) === _obj.X && (_b[i].Y === _obj.Y))
ep = ep + 1;
i = i + 1;
return ep;
function _findEqualPoints(_obj) {
var points = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < _b.length; i++) // dranwing text scale
if ((_b[i].X) === _obj.X && (_b[i].Y === _obj.Y) && (_b[i].Id != _obj.Id))
points = points + 1;
return points;
function _getXPoint(_pointX, _radio, _equalPoint, _equalPoints) {
var y = 0;
var _grados = 0;
var _radianes = 0;
if (isIntPoints == "True")
x = _s.distanceX + (_s.gridWidth * (_pointX) + _s.gridWidth);
x = _s.distanceX + (_s.gridWidth * (_pointX) + _s.gridWidth) - (_s.gridWidth / 2);
if (_equalPoints > 1) {
_grados = (360 / _equalPoints) * _equalPoint;
_radianes = (_grados * Math.PI) / 180;
if (_equalPoints > 7) {
if (_equalPoint <= 2 && _equalPoints > 12) {
_grados = (360 / 3) * _equalPoint;
_radianes = (_grados * Math.PI) / 180;
x = 8 * Math.cos(_radianes) + x;
else if (_equalPoints > 12) {
_grados = (360 / (_equalPoints - 3)) * _equalPoint;
_radianes = (_grados * Math.PI) / 180;
x = 25 * Math.cos(_radianes) + x;
x = 25 * Math.cos(_radianes) + x;
//x = x + 10;
else {
x = _radio * Math.cos(_radianes) + x;
return x;
function _getYPoint(_pointY, _radio, _equalPoint, _equalPoints) {
var y = 0;
var _grados = 0;
var _radianes = 0;
if (isIntPoints == "True")
y = _s.distanceY + (_s.gridWidth * (_s.rangeX - _pointY) + _s.gridWidth * 2) - (_s.gridWidth);
y = _s.distanceY + (_s.gridWidth * (_s.rangeX - _pointY) + _s.gridWidth * 2) - (_s.gridWidth / 2);
if (_equalPoints > 1) {
_grados = (360 / _equalPoints) * _equalPoint;
_radianes = (_grados * Math.PI) / 180;
if (_equalPoints > 7) {
if (_equalPoint <= 2 && _equalPoints > 12) {
_grados = (360 / 3) * _equalPoint;
_radianes = (_grados * Math.PI) / 180;
y = (8 * (-1)) * Math.sin(_radianes) + y;
else if (_equalPoints > 12) {
_grados = (360 / (_equalPoints - 3)) * _equalPoint;
_radianes = (_grados * Math.PI) / 180;
y = (25 * (-1)) * Math.sin(_radianes) + y;
y = (25 * (-1)) * Math.sin(_radianes) + y;
else {
y = (_radio * (-1)) * Math.sin(_radianes) + y;
// y = y-10
return y;
function _drawPoint(_obj, _elem, _s) {/// aqui se generan los circulos del canvas
_s.fontSizeScale = 10;
var scaleRadio = 15;
var _pointX = _obj.X;
var _pointY = _obj.Y;
var _equalPoint = _findEqualPoint(_obj);
var _equalPoints = _findEqualPoints(_obj);
var parrafo = _obj.Text;
var acumulada;
//var txt = function () {
// while(){
// if (parrafo.length() > 20) {
// }
// }
type: 'arc',
name: 'arc' + _obj.Id,
fillStyle: 'rgba(0,89,179,.6)',
radius: _s.fontSizeScale,
x: _getXPoint(_pointX, scaleRadio, _equalPoint, _equalPoints),// funcion donde se genera la posicion X donde se va ubicar el circulo generado
//x: _s.distanceX + (_s.gridWidth * (_pointX) + _s.gridWidth) - (_s.gridWidth / 2),
y: _getYPoint(_pointY, scaleRadio, _equalPoint, _equalPoints),//funcion donde se genera la posicion Y donde se va ubicar el circulo generado
//y: _s.distanceY + (_s.gridWidth * (_s.rangeX - _pointY) + _s.gridWidth * 2) - (_s.gridWidth / 2),
mouseover: function (layer) {
if (_elem.getLayer('text_rect' + _obj.Id).width == 0) {
_elem.getLayer('text_rect' + _obj.Id).width = _elem.getLayer('text_details' + _obj.Id).width * 2 + _s.fontSizeScale * 4;
if (_elem.getLayer('text_rect' + _obj.Id).height == 0) {
_elem.getLayer('text_rect' + _obj.Id).height = _elem.getLayer('text_details' + _obj.Id).height / 2;
_elem.getLayer('text_details' + _obj.Id).visible = true;
_elem.getLayer('text_rect' + _obj.Id).visible = true;
mouseout: function (layer) {
_elem.getLayer('text_details' + _obj.Id).visible = false;
_elem.getLayer('text_rect' + _obj.Id).visible = false;
type: 'text',
fontStyle: 'bold',
fontFamily: _s.fontFamily,
name: 'text_id' + _obj.Id,
fillStyle: '#fff',
x: _elem.getLayer('arc' + _obj.Id).x,
y: _elem.getLayer('arc' + _obj.Id).y,
text: _obj.Id,
fontSize: _s.fontSizeScale + 'px',
}).addLayer({//aqui se crea el tootlp
type: 'rectangle',
visible: false,
width: 0,height: 0,
name: 'text_rect' + _obj.Id,
fillStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,.6)',
cornerRadius: 10,
x: _elem.getLayer('arc' + _obj.Id).x + _s.fontSizeScale,
y: _elem.getLayer('arc' + _obj.Id).y - _s.fontSizeScale * 3,
}).addLayer({//aqui van los datos con los que llena el tootlp
type: 'text',
visible: false,
fontFamily: _s.fontFamily,
name: 'text_details' + _obj.Id,
addClass: 'one',
fillStyle: '#76eec6',//'#fff',
x: _elem.getLayer('arc' + _obj.Id).x + _s.fontSizeScale,
y: _elem.getLayer('arc' + _obj.Id).y - _s.fontSizeScale * 3,
text: _obj.Text+ '\n X: ' + _obj.X + ' ; Y: ' + _obj.Y + '',
fontSize: _s.fontSizeScale + 'px',
$(document).ready(function () {
$('[name= "text_details' + _obj.Id + '"]').tooltip();
} This would be my json where I sent the data that receives that function:
try { if (scales) { _drawAGT_RiskTable ( 'mycanvas', jQuery.parseJSON (scales), jQuery.parseJSON (risks), isintpoints ); } } catch (ex) {}
and this my html:
<div class="col-md-6">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>