I do not know how to catch a variable declared in javascript, from a java class.
Any suggestions?
var ratiosObj = {ratios:[{idRatio:1,Descripcion:"HoraMaxima",horas:10,Descuento:5}]};
var fila = 2;
var horas = "horas";
var horasFin;
var precioMax = "precioMax";
var precioMaxFin ;
horasFin = "horas" + fila;
precioMaxFin = "precioMax" + fila;
$clone=$("#ratios tbody tr:first").clone();
$("#ratios tbody").append($clone);
public static void modificarRatios (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, BaseWeb base) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
ZonasControlador zonaContr = new ZonasControlador(base.getVariablesGlobales());
ParticipantePOJO vParticipante = (ParticipantePOJO)session.getAttribute("Participante");
}catch(Exception ex){
base.getLoggerGarageScanner().error("Se ha producido un error");
request.setAttribute("errorpanelcontrol", "propietariocomunidaderrorcarga");
PropietarioWebControler.cargarcomunidades(request, response, base);
I explain one how, the jquery, what you do is put rows to a table, but I need to put the name, in an object to pass it to the java class. I do not know how to do it, but this is the idea of how to do it