I would like to know if there is a way to get the last two weeks and its amounts in SQL, I explain:
The following query brings me the last two weeks with its quantities of the same product:
$first = strtotime('last Monday -14 days');
$last = strtotime('next Sunday -7 days');
$dateInitial = date('Y-m-d', $first);
$dateFinal = date('Y-m-d', $last);
SELECT "pr_products.product,
WEEKOFYEAR(pf_harvest.date) AS week,
SUM(pf_harvest.quantity) AS quantity
FROM pf_harvest
INNER JOIN pr_products ON pr_products.id = pf_harvest.id_product
WHERE pf_harvest.date BETWEEN ".$dateInitial." AND ".$dateFinal."
AND pf_harvest.id_tenant = 1
AND pf_harvest.id_product = 1
GROUP BY product, WEEKOFYEAR(pf_harvest.date)";
The result you give me is the following:
product | week | quantity |
ROSA PINK | 33 | 1076000 |
ROSA PINK | 34 | 1094025 |
That's fine, the problem is that I want the result of the query to leave something like this:
product | week1 | week2 |
ROSA PINK | 1076000 | 1094025 |
I pass the dates in the following way:
This in order to obtain the quantities of both week 33 and 34 grouped in the same product. I do not know if it's possible to do it this way, what I do not want is to play with Javascript to show the results.