Hi, I'm in need of help with a pretty strange problem I have a layout that contains the head of my html plus the navbar or navigation bar, in this navigation bar I have a form that has a select tag and these options are created with a variable that is in res.locals with an arrangement that I bring from a table in a mysql database, the information is passed with a middleware called control-sessions and what it does is pass the user information in each view within the routes localhost: 3000 / admin through res.locals and between you information I also pass the arrangement for the options of my select
the problem is the following I have a url that is / admin / upcoming-events in this url the whole layout works great the form select works and has all the options of the arrangement the problem is when I try to make another view in the url / admin / next-events / info /: idEvento and there are two errors, one is that it tells me that the variables that were defined in res .locals are undefined, variables that work perfectly in the previous url, and I already checked that the middleware if it is running, I've even sent a console.log (res.locals) and I check that the variables contain all the information I need, the other error that I get is that the console says error: can not set headers after they are sent
I want to know why the variables defined in res.locals work perfectly in one url and in the other url it does not work.
Here is my control middleware-sessions code
module.exports=function (req,res,next) {
res.locals = {errorLogin: true, mensajeError: "No puede acceder a esta direccion, antes debe Iniciar Sesion"};
res.locals = {errorEvento: true, mensajeError: "lo sentimos, hay problemas con la conexion, intenlo mas tarde, si el problema persiste contactenos"};
var q="SELECT id_admin, permisos, habilitado, nombre_admin, correo FROM administradores WHERE id_admin='"+req.session.admin.id+"'";
conexion.query(q, function(error, usuario, fields){
if (!!error) {
console.log("error encontrando la cuenta del usuario");
res.locals = {errorLogin: true, mensajeError: "lo sentimos, hay problemas con la conexion, intenlo mas tarde, si el problema persiste contactenos"};
q="SELECT id_escenario, nombre FROM escenarios ORDER BY nombre ASC";
conexion.query(q,function(error4, rowsEscenarios, fields3){
if (!!error4) {
console.log("error en la consulta 4");
q="SELECT id_deporte, deporte FROM deportes ORDER BY deporte ASC";
conexion.query(q,function(error5, rowsIdDeportes, fields3){
if (!!error5) {
console.log("error en la consulta 5");
q="SELECT * FROM categoria_edad";
conexion.query(q,function(error6, rowsCategoriaEdad, fields3){
if (!!error6) {
console.log("error en la consulta 6");
console.log("middleware control-sesiones");
res.locals = {admin: usuario[0], escenarios: rowsEscenarios, idDeportes: rowsIdDeportes, categoriaEdad: rowsCategoriaEdad};
the following is the jade code of the layout that I use in all the / admin url
label.l-t-d.col-xs-12(for="deporte") Deporte o Diciplina
select#deporte.col-xs-12(name="deporte" form="form-nuevo-evento" -required)
option seleccione un deporte
- console.log(admin + " proband");
each deporte in idDeportes
label.l-t-d.col-xs-12(for="categoria-edad") Categoria Edad
select#categoria-edad.col-xs-12(name="categoria_edad" form="form-nuevo-evento" -required)
option Selecione una
for categoria in categoriaEdad
label.l-t-d.col-xs-12(for="escenario") Escenario
select#escenario.col-xs-12(name="escenario" form="form-nuevo-evento" required)
option seleccione una esecenario
for escenario in escenarios
these are information and errors that come out of the console