I have a store that displays the products and that by clicking on it you would have to open a modal showing the details of that product.
I have several JavaScript libraries like jQuery, Prototype and script.aculo.us.
Before it worked correctly, however I do not know why it does not work now, the only thing that is that the console I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'display' of undefined(…)
The composition of my files is like this, I have the following tag that executes the show_window function with a JavaScript onclick:
<img src="<?echo($m_PRODUCTO['IMAGEN'] . "?SID=" . generateRandomString(20))?>" width="160" height="120" <?if($_SESSION['SES_SYSTEM']['B2C']['CLIENTE']['CLI_ID']){?> onclick="show_window('index.php?ACTION=APLICACION.B2C.OTROS.LOAD_ACTION&SUBACTION=DETALLE_PRODUCTO&PRODUCTO=<?echo($e_PRO_ID)?>', ' ', 590, 490);" style="cursor:pointer"<?}?>/>
The show_window function is as follows:
function show_window(URL, TITULO, ANCHO, ALTO, PARENT)
if(PARENT == undefined)
windowDetalleProducto = new Window
className: "modalWindow",
title: "<FONT FACE='verdana' COLOR='#000000'>" + TITULO + "</FONT>",
width: ANCHO,
height: ALTO,
top: 0,
minimizable: false,
maximizable: false,
resizable: false,
recenterAuto: false,
showEffect: Element.show,
hideEffect: Element.hide,
parent: document.getElementById(PARENT)
windowDetalleProducto.setHTMLContent("<div id='loading'><div class='cargando'><img src='./b2c/3pesos/img/estructura/loading.gif'><br>Cargando... Por favor espere</div></div>");
windowDetalleProducto.showCenter(true, 60, 0);
And if it works, this is what the Chrome console throws at me: