I have the following options, which should update two different sw:
in the first I have the options of ninguna, aut, y hab
and in the second I have the option of sw_visible
, which is 1
or 0
dependent if it is active or inactive.
<td align=\"center\" >;
<select id='resolucion' name='resolucion' onchange='c_resolucion()'>;
<option value=''>NINGUNO</option>;
<option value='AUT'>AUT</option>;
<option value='HAB'>HAB</option>;
<td align=\"center\" >";
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sw_visible\" value=\"1\" onclick=\"c_resolucion()\">Si";
I want both to use the same javascrips function. and that I update the option depending on what the client uses in the form.
this is the next function
function c_resolucion(resolucion)
var resolucion, cajas;
resolucion = document.getElementById('resolucion');
// document.form1.orden.value = ''
resolucion = document.form1.resolucion.options[document.form1.resolucion.selectedIndex].value
if (ajax.readyState==4) {
resolucion.innerHTML = ajax.responseText
ajax.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control','no-cache, must-revalidate');
ajax.setRequestHeader('Expires','Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
and this is the ajax file which carries out the update.
$sql = "UPDATE m_puntos_pago set d_resolucion='"$d_resolucion"' WHERE caja = ".$caja;
as it performs the update depending on the option that the client makes. either press the check or select some of the options in the field of_resolution.