The problem is as follows. I have a total of 4 iframes within my website, the only one that moves is the content, the others remain immobile, the one that moves constantly has no problems, the issue changes when one of the other frames should be placed below the content or move aside so that this does not interfere with the principal, because if I leave it like this, I can not click the main because it is placed below it and I tried it as follows:
function ocultar() {
window.parent.frames[3] = "none";
This function should hide the frame and it does it to a certain extent, since what I hide is what is inside the frame and I do not want that, but that the entire frame of the frame is faded, hidden or moved in some direction that does not bother me, then I leave the how is accommodated my frames
<body onload="ocultar()" >
<div >
<center><label style="font-family: titulo;font-size: 42px;color: red;">Proyecto Hidruth</label></center>
<center> <div ><iframe name="frame-menu" id="framemenu" src="PHP/menu.php"></iframe></div></center>
<div ><center><iframe style="border-width: 0px;background-color: #393030;background-color: #c3b6b6;" id="informacion2" src="PHP/ayudas/ayuda.inicio.php"></iframe></center></div>
<div ><center><iframe name="frame-contenido" id="frameinicio" style="z-index: -10000;" src="PHP/inicio.php"></iframe></center></div>
<div ><center><iframe id="frame-articulo" name="frame-articulo" style="float: right;margin-top: -10%;margin-left: -45%;width:60%;height: 92%;margin-top: -50%;z-index: 1000;position: absolute;" src="PHP/articulos/inicio_articulos.php"></iframe></center></div>
<div><center><iframe style="background-color: orangered;border:0;border-radius: 5px;" id="framepie" src="PHP/piepagina.php"></iframe></center></div>
in advance thank you for reading my comment.
Hide code:
function ocultar() {
document.querySelectorAll ("iframe") 3 .style.display="none";
code to show:
function articulos() {
window.parent.frames[2].location = "articulos.php"
window.parent.frames[1].location = "ayudas/ayuda.articulos.php"
document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[3].style.display = "block";
var scary = document.getElementById("scary");;
When initially loading all the frames if you hide the one I require:
When I click on the menu items should reappear the frame that initially hide it and I get this error
The order of my elements is as follows: In javascript is my file where I do the action of articles and in php I load all my frames and at the same time hide what I do not need initially