Do you need to enter the HTMLFlow within vLayout for something? If it is not necessary, the solution is as easy as doing the following and forgetting the vLayout .
htmlPage = new HTMLFlow();
If you need the vLayout because later you are going to add more widgets apart from this HTMLFlow you will have to take into account the following:
NOTE: Since the size of an HTMLFlow component is determined by its
HTML contents, this component will draw at varying sizes if given
content of varying size When using HTMLFlow components within a
Layout, consider what will happen if the HTMLFlow renders at various
sizes. An HTMLFlow which can expand should be placed in a container
where other components can render smaller, where the container is
allowed to scroll, or where there is padding to expand into.
HTMLFlow Documentation
The easiest solution would be to tell the vLayout what it has to measure, get the HTMLFlow and let the vLayout scroll if the content gets too big.
Something like this:
htmlPage = new HTMLFlow();
vLayout panel = new VLayout();