Someone knows how I can change the color of my tabbedPage in Xamarin forms, I want it to have the same color of the Navigation Bar that I have. The following image is an example of how I want it, just need to change the color of the Tabbed Page.
All you need to do is change the color code of the colorPrimary
attribute located in the styles.xml
of your Android project (Resources> values).
<item name="colorPrimary">#TU_CODIGO_HEX</item>
By default, both the navigation bar and the tabs bar on Android, take as background color the colorPrimary
defined in your file styles.xml
. The files Tabbar.axml
and Toolbar.axml
, located in Resources > layout, they have their property android:background
linked to that color. Check that they have this:
And those are the layouts that Xamarin.Forms takes to render those controls. Look at the MainActivity.cs
that you have 2 lines like this:
TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
You have two options, the first is to use a custom render where you basically take the class base (in this case TabbedPage
) and modify the property you need.
The other option you have (only for android) is to use themes, in the forums of xamarin you can take as a base the next code
In the Xamarin blog , James Montemagno has exactly the style to modify the style of the tabs in android for Xamarin forms
<TabbedPage //todo lo demás
BarBackgroundColor="{StaticResource ColorAzul}"
BarTextColor="{StaticResource ColorBlanco}" >
BarBackgroundColor and BarTextColor are properties of TabbedPage, with the first you can change the color of the tab and with the second the text of the tabs.
In the App.xaml
//aqui meteras todo lo que se refiere a color, estilo y demás...
//es de gran ayuda ya que te ayuda a tener todo de una manera más organizada
<!-- Colores-->
<Color x:Key="ColorAzul">#2196F3</Color>
<Color x:Key="ColorBlanco">#FFFFFF</Color>
okay I understand you.
BarBackgroundColor="Aqui pornes el color que quieras. "
This is the property to change the bar color of a tabbedPage.
you use it from the head. from the taggedPage ..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TabbedPage xmlns=""