I have the application mounted and wanted to make a small effect with css for the customer table, by adding the class rot180 that flips the arrow (selected) to sort the results in the head of the table. Well, in the onclick of the arrow on the arrow that triggers the form, I add a function in javascript that triggers the form and adds this class to the div element, but when I hit the click, it rotates the arrow and then when the form is triggered returns to its previous state without saving this change. Because the results are done are mapped to a route / clients? sort = name and return to the previous view of Clients with the attribution of the clients generated is there any way to change the class and to keep it when doing the submit ()?
Here is where I map the ordering of these clients:
public String clientesListadosModelView(@ModelAttribute(value="Clientes") Clientes c,@RequestParam(value="ordenar")String ordenar,org.springframework.ui.Model m){
ClientesModel list1=new ClientesModel();
Clientes c1= new Clientes();
ClientesModel cmodel=new ClientesModel();
m.addAttribute("Clientes", c1);
}else if(ordenar.equals("apellidos")){
}else if(ordenar.equals("correo")){
}else if(ordenar.equals("edad")){
return "iberClientesVista";
This is the view where the headers of the table are to sort the results:
<form:form action="/Usuarios/iberClientesEnlace?ordenar=nombre" id="ordenarForm" onsubmit="submint3();">
<th ><div id="spantri"><div>Nombre</div><div onclick="document.getElementById('ordenarForm').submit();submint3()" id="triangulo">▼</div></div></th>
<form:form action="/Usuarios/iberClientesEnlace?ordenar=apellidos" id="ordenarForm2" >
<th><div id="spantri"><div>Apellidos</div><div onclick="document.getElementById('ordenarForm2').submit()" id="triangulo">▼</div></div></th>
<form:form action="/Usuarios/iberClientesEnlace?ordenar=correo"id="ordenarForm3" >
<th><div id="spantri"><div>Correo</div><div onclick="document.getElementById('ordenarForm3').submit()" id="triangulo">▼</div></div></th>
<form:form action="/Usuarios/iberClientesEnlace?ordenar=edad" id="ordenarForm4" >
<th><div id="spantri"><div>Edad</div><div onclick="document.getElementById('ordenarForm4').submit()" id="triangulo">▼</div></div></th>
And here I activate the form from Javascript:
function submint3(){