hide and show menu with React.js


Hi, I'm passing my page to react.js but I do not understand how to open my menu and that it closes, on my page I occupy jquey and equal with the logo of the menu the X and the hamburger that change when the menu is opened, I really do not have any javascript code because I've been stuck watching examples and I do not understand

<nav role="navigation" className="nav-menu-2 w-nav-menu">
          <a href="../index.html" className="nav-link-6 _2 w-nav-link">INICIO</a>
          <a href="tecnologias.html" className="nav-link-6 _1 w-nav-link">TECNOLOGÍAS</a>
          <a href="../Vision/VISION.html" className="nav-link-5 w-nav-link">VISION</a>
          <a href className="nav-link-5 _2 w-nav-link">CASOS DE USO </a>
          <a href="../Nosotros/Nosotros.html" className="nav-link-3 w-nav-link">NOSOTROS </a>
          <a href className="nav-link-6 w-nav-link">DEMO </a>
          <a href="https://medium.com/@spotcloudio" target="_blank" style={{color: '#fff', cursor: 'pointer'}} className="nav-link-6 w-nav-link">BLOG</a>
        <div className="redes">
          <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/spotcloud/" className="li" target="_blank"><img src="../images/027-linkedin%20(1).svg" alt /></a>
          <a href="https://www.facebook.com/SpotCloud.io/" className="fb" target="_blank"><img src="../images/036-facebook.svg" alt /></a>
          <a href="https://www.instagram.com/spotcloud.io/?hl=es-la" className="in" target="_blank"><img src="../images/4-layers.svg" alt /></a>
      <div className="menu-button-2 a.cp_btns1 w-nav-button" data-ix="navbar"><img src="https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5b71b8c59c22cb48ab086d4a/5b736bcf05c5995c9ece2124_11-layers.svg" className="img-i" /><img src="https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5b71b8c59c22cb48ab086d4a/5b736c0003163dfe7a60c742_3-layers.svg" className="image-29 img-x" /></div>
asked by Daniel Abrego 17.12.2018 в 17:48

1 answer


If you are working with React, we work with components, and it would be best if the hamburger menu is a component that you call from your main application.

To show and close the menu, you can set in the state of the main application a boolean that indicates whether the component is visible or not, and according to that with ternary if you show it or not.

To display it, click on the click event of the hamburger icon that is visible, and to close it, you make a function in the main application that sets the boolean to not visible. This function is passed as property to the menu component.

More or less the code would be like this:

Main application:

  import React, { Component } from 'react';
  // aqui importas el componente, poniendo el path donde estaria ubicado.
  import BurguerMenu from './tupath.js'

  class Main extends Component {

    state ={
      BurguerMenuVisible: false

    openBurguerMenu = () => {
      this.setState({BurguerMenuVisible: true})

    closeBurguerMenu = () => {
      this.setState({BurguerMenuVisible: false})

    render() {
        //Aqui tendras los componentes de tu aplicacion. Entre esos el menu al que le 
        //pasas la funcion cerrar como propiedad
       { this.state.burguerMenuVisible &&            
        <BurguerMenu clickCerrar = {this.closeBurguerMenu} />
        //tambien tendras tu boton hamburguesa que el el OnClick le pasas la funcion de abrir
        //suponiendo que es un boton...
        <button type = "button" onClick = {this.openBurguerMenu}></button>

the hamburger menu component can be a functional component since you do not need to have states or anything else to render the menu. To your code you only add the Onclick in the X button and you pass the closing function:

import React from 'react';

function BurguerMenu(props) {

<nav role="navigation" className="nav-menu-2 w-nav-menu">
          <a href="../index.html" className="nav-link-6 _2 w-nav-link">INICIO</a>
          <a href="tecnologias.html" className="nav-link-6 _1 w-nav-link">TECNOLOGÍAS</a>
          <a href="../Vision/VISION.html" className="nav-link-5 w-nav-link">VISION</a>
          <a href className="nav-link-5 _2 w-nav-link">CASOS DE USO </a>
          <a href="../Nosotros/Nosotros.html" className="nav-link-3 w-nav-link">NOSOTROS </a>
          <a href className="nav-link-6 w-nav-link">DEMO </a>
          <a href="https://medium.com/@spotcloudio" target="_blank" style={{color: '#fff', cursor: 'pointer'}} className="nav-link-6 w-nav-link">BLOG</a>
        <div className="redes">
          <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/spotcloud/" className="li" target="_blank"><img src="../images/027-linkedin%20(1).svg" alt /></a>
          <a href="https://www.facebook.com/SpotCloud.io/" className="fb" target="_blank"><img src="../images/036-facebook.svg" alt /></a>
          <a href="https://www.instagram.com/spotcloud.io/?hl=es-la" className="in" target="_blank"><img src="../images/4-layers.svg" alt /></a>
      <div onClick = {props.clickCerrar} className="menu-button-2 a.cp_btns1 w-nav-button" data-ix="navbar"><img src="https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5b71b8c59c22cb48ab086d4a/5b736bcf05c5995c9ece2124_11-layers.svg" className="img-i" /><img src="https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5b71b8c59c22cb48ab086d4a/5b736c0003163dfe7a60c742_3-layers.svg" className="image-29 img-x" /></div>

export default BurguerMenu
answered by 18.12.2018 / 19:24