Good I have problems with the format of dates my code is the following
fecha = new Date();
entrega = new Date();
dia = fecha.getDate();
mes = fecha.getMonth()+1;// +1 porque los meses empiezan en 0
anio = fecha.getFullYear();
entrega.setMonth(entrega.getMonth() + 4);
var d = new Date();
var strDate = d.getFullYear() + "-0" + (d.getMonth()+1) + "-0" + d.getDate();
var mesMax="-0"+entrega.getMonth();
var fechaMas = d.getFullYear()+mesMax+"-0"+d.getDate();
console.log('fecha compara si es menor');
swal('ERROR!','La fecha seleccionada es mayor a 3 meses','error').then($('#fei').val(strDate));
}else if($('#fei').val()<strDate){
swal('ERROR!','La fecha seleccionada es menor a la actual','error').then($('#fei').val(strDate));
}else{console.log('no es mayor');}
It's fine and everything but the problem is that for example today is the 4th of January and it prints 4 I want it to be 04, so for the month this month is 01 and it prints me 1, that's why in the code I have to add the 0 before, how could that be resolved so as not to be changing so that I already have it, at the time of validation I get problems so I take the format, some advice?
ok I could just put a validation
if((d.getMonth()+1)<=9){cero = "-0"+(d.getMonth()+1)}else{cero=(d.getMonth()+1)}
and with that I solve the rest