Query does not bring me data when pressing ASP button


Very well I have a form, a table, a button and a text box, the table appears empty apparently does not look for the data, (Pd the query manually if fucniona), but I guess my error is in the query , but I'm not sure ...


<asp:TextBox CssClass="form-control" ID="txt_clave_curso" name="clave_curso"  runat="server" ReadOnly="false" Text=""></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:Button ID="btn_search" name="btn_search" runat="server" Text="  Aplicar  " CausesValidation="true"  CssClass="btn btn-warning btn-sm" Width="140px" />

             <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btn_search" EventName="Click"/>

The previous trigger updates the table with the data when I press the button ..

vb.hc.aspx Here the BD part begins

Protected Sub rg_hhc_NeedDataSource(sender As Object, e As GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles rg_hhc.NeedDataSource
        Dim dbConn As MySqlConnection
        Dim dbComm As MySqlCommand
        Dim dbAdapt As MySqlDataAdapter
        Dim connStr As String = Nothing
        Dim sqlQuery As String = Nothing
        Dim table As New DataTable
        Dim buscarclave As String = txt_clave_curso.Text 
//Aqui quiero tomar lo que tiene la caja de texto para buscarlo en la consulta

connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("X").ConnectionString
dbConn = New MySqlConnection(connStr)


Summary part of the query, in the end I have a LIKE that does not work for me to search ...

sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " where b.fecha_ef>='2018-09-01' and b.fecha_ef<='2018-09-30' and a.Id_org='PNGR' and a.Id_detalle>0  and c.Idcurso like '%'" + buscarclave + "'%'"
sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " group by a.Idlista"

    dbComm = New MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, dbConn)
    //Aqui en dboParameters no se si lo lleva o no 
    dbComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("Idcurso", buscarclave)
    dbAdapt = New MySqlDataAdapter(dbComm)
    rg_hhc.DataSource = table
End Sub
asked by Jonathan 12.12.2018 в 17:59

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