What I want to achieve is that when a user clicks on my menu that is on a part of my page this same one appears but on another part of my website.
Function of my menu title
<div id="TituloMenu" >
<%= image_tag "menu2.png" , :class=>"imagenM2" , :id=>"img" , :onclick=>"menu(1)"%>
Titulo del Menu
Here is my menu
<%= yield %>
All this is inside my application.html.erb file, what I would like is to pass a value of application.html.erb to yield, which in this case would be who has the content of the web page
explanation of how it should work.
Everything is in the same file as the initial, which would be the application.html.erb, the title, the footnote and the content that is the yield, use the design template, so what I want is to get from the div of the title to the div of the yield that by default comes this way when creating by console, I would like to pass the parameters between both divs through javascript and the function of menu (1) sends a value by clicking on that function to that depending if it is one or zero show or hide the div of the menu that is within yield