display the data of a multiple SQL query


I have this code that is perfect and everything, but my question is, how would you do to show the data? I mean when I make a simple query, it's enough for me to write:

**while($datosx = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta)){
 echo $datosx["fila de la tabla"]; }**

but now my code is as follows:

$consulta= "SELECT publicaciones.usuario, amigos.id_1, amigos.id_2, 
             FROM publicaciones, amigos 
             WHERE publicaciones.usuario = 
             amigos.id_1 and amigos.id_2 = '$id' ";
             $resultado_consulta = mysqli_query($conexion,$consulta);

I related two tables to be able to filter only elements that I want, but my question is how can I show the data I take?

asked by Boyd Robert 07.12.2018 в 02:46

2 answers


In the select you have to alias each field, and call it exactly the same. Example:

$consulta= "SELECT publicaciones.usuario AS user, amigos.id_1 AS id_1, amigos.id_2 AS id_2, 
             publicaciones.id AS id
             FROM publicaciones, amigos 
             WHERE publicaciones.usuario = 
             amigos.id_1 and amigos.id_2 = '$id' ";
             $resultado_consulta = mysqli_query($conexion,$consulta);

and you call it with:

echo $datosx["user"]; echo $datosx["id_1"]; echo $datosx["id_2"]; echo $datosx["id"];

answered by 07.12.2018 / 09:41

Only as a complement to what @guillem answered, my main point is the security of that query. I think it would be better to fix it the way.

$consulta= '
        publicaciones.usuario AS user,
        amigos.id_1 AS id_1,
        amigos.id_2 AS id_2,
        publicaciones.id AS id
        publicaciones pub
        amigos am ON pub.usuario = am.id_1 
        amigos.id_2 = ? '; // este signo '?' se llenará de forma segura más adelante.

$stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($consulta);
$stmt->bind_param('s', $id); // Aquí le pasas el id de forma segura con bind_param para que enlace el valor del $id de forma segura con la primer coincidencia del caracter '?'. 's' es de *string*

$result = $stmt->get_result();

With bind_param is a way to make sure you do not try to do sql injection in your code.

To see more information on prevention of sql injection attacks.


To see more about bind_param.


answered by 07.12.2018 в 16:30