Good I need to know how I do that the url lodged in my Database can extract them with php and place them in the "src" of the images so that they always load. You will see I have the following problem, I am doing a social network as a degree project, obviously not complete, but if some functions, I have a week left, and I need to create a gallery with PHP mysqli AJAX, and I can already host the url of the photos in the database, but I can not get those url for a query "fetch_assoc" and print a label "" for each url that has the database, really that's what I want.
I leave the codes to help me better.
PS: I'm a newbie in PHP.
$usuario = $_SESSION['usuario'];
if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {
$conexion = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "","imagen");
if (!$conexion) {
die("Fallo la conexión a la Base de Datos: " . mysql_error());
$imgAlbum = "tmpAlbums/";
$archivo = $_FILES['fl_album']['tmp_name'];
$nombrearchivo = $_FILES['fl_album']['name'];
move_uploaded_file($archivo, $imgAlbum."/".$nombrearchivo);
$imgAlbum = $imgAlbum."/".$nombrearchivo;
$saveIMG = mysqli_query($conexion,"INSERT INTO imagephp VALUES('".$imgAlbum."')");
<div class="albumes">
<img src="<?php echo ($imgAlbum); ?>" alt="">
$selectURL = mysqli_query($conexion, "SELECT URL_img FROM imagephp");
while ($url = mysqli_fetch_assoc($selectURL)) {
echo "<img src='$url'/>";
I am ignoring a sea of code because it is obvious that you know and understand what it would take, like body etc, but what is there is because it is the only thing I want to be helped in that.
I thank you in advance and I ask you please understand that they speak with a newbie ...:)