Upload files and folders in Moodle


I need to upload files and folders within a Moodle course, these files come from a zip. I have been searching and I have found how to upload files, I have tried it and I am able to upload files correctly in the database and in the file repository of Moodle, but these files are not shown in the course when I go online.

The code I am testing is the following:

$packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
$files = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archivo_zip, $carpeta_unzip );

foreach($files as $path => $status){
    $fs = get_file_storage();                                   
    $context = context_course::instance($courseid);

    $filename = basename($path);
    $path_directory = "/" . str_replace($filename, "", $path);

    $author = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$userid ), '*', MUST_EXIST);

    $file_record = new stdClass;
    $file_record->component = 'mod_folder';     //mod_resource  
    $file_record->contextid = $context->id;         
    $file_record->userid    = $userid ;                 
    $file_record->filearea  = 'content';            //draft, attachment
    $file_record->filename = $filename;             
    $file_record->filepath  = $path_directory;      
    $file_record->itemid    = 0;                
    $file_record->author    = fullname($author);
    $file_record->license   = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
    $file_record->source    = $filename;            
    //$file_record->timecreated    = time();            
    //$file_record->timemodified    = time();           

    $existingfile = $fs->file_exists($file_record->contextid, $file_record->component, $file_record->filearea,
    $file_record->itemid, $file_record->filepath, $file_record->filename);

    if ($existingfile) {
        //throw new file_exception('filenameexist');
    } else {
        $stored_file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($file_record, $path_upload);

I have tried uploading files and folders manually from the Moodle website and I have noticed that the folders are sometimes created in another table called mdl_folder and other times in the same table as the files, mdl_files . I do not know what is the best way to create and relate the folders with the files so that after they can be viewed correctly from the web

If someone knows how to do it or has an example or documentation that can help me, it will be a great help for me.

asked by Joacer 08.09.2016 в 10:06

1 answer


I have found a solution that works for me, I do not know if it is the most appropriate or not, if someone can take a look and tell me if it is right or not, or what changes I could make I would be grateful.

The solution found is the following:

  • Create or recover the folder that will contain all the files.
  • Create each of the files.


 $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
    $files = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archivo_zip, $carpeta_unzip );

    foreach($files as $path => $status){
        $fs = get_file_storage();    

        $folder = get_folder($courseid, 'Prueba Upload');   

        $filename = basename($path);
        $path_directory = "/" . str_replace($filename, "", $path);

        $author = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$userid ), '*', MUST_EXIST);

        $file_record = new stdClass;
        $file_record->component = 'mod_folder';     //mod_resource  
        $file_record->contextid = $folder->id;         
        $file_record->userid    = $userid ;                 
        $file_record->filearea  = 'content';            //draft, attachment
        $file_record->filename = $filename;             
        $file_record->filepath  = $path_directory;      
        $file_record->itemid    = 0;                
        $file_record->author    = fullname($author);
        $file_record->license   = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
        $file_record->source    = $filename;            
        //$file_record->timecreated    = time();            
        //$file_record->timemodified    = time();           

        $existingfile = $fs->file_exists($file_record->contextid, $file_record->component, $file_record->filearea,
        $file_record->itemid, $file_record->filepath, $file_record->filename);

        if ($existingfile) {
            //throw new file_exception('filenameexist');
        } else {
            $stored_file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($file_record, $path_upload);

And the function to create the folder that will contain the files is the following:

 * Devuelve una carpeta o la crea.
 * @param $courseid id del curso.
 * @param $resource_name nombre de la carpeta.
 * @return context de la carpeta
function get_folder($courseid, $resource_name) {
    global $DB, $CFG;

    //Comprobamos si la carpeta ya existe ya existe

    $sql = "SELECT cm.id as cmid FROM {course_modules} cm, {folder} res
        WHERE res.name = '" . $resource_name . "'
        AND cm.course = " . $courseid . "
        AND cm.instance = res.id";

    if (! $coursemodule = $DB->get_record_sql($sql)) {      

        echo "\tCreate new folder\n";

        $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST);

        // get module id
        $module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => 'folder'), '*', MUST_EXIST);

        // get course section
        /*course_create_sections_if_missing($course->id, 0);
        $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course->id);
        $cw = $modinfo->get_section_info(0);

        echo "section id: " . $cw->id;*/

        $sectionid = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('course' => $course->id, 'name' => 'Recursos'), '*', MUST_EXIST);

        $folder_data = new stdClass();
        $folder_data->course = $course->id;
        $folder_data->name = $resource_name;            
        $folder_data->intro = '<p>'.$resource_name.'</p>';
        $folder_data->introformat = 1;
        $folder_data->revision = 1;
        $folder_data->timemodified = time();
        $folder_data->display = 0;
        $folder_data->showexpanded = 1;
        $folder_data->showdownloadfolder = 1;

        $folder_id = $DB->insert_record('folder', $folder_data);

        echo "folder id: " . $folder_id;

        // add course module
        $cm = new stdClass();
        $cm->course = $courseid;
        $cm->module = $module->id; // should be retrieved from mdl_modules
        $cm->instance = $folder_id; // from mdl_resource
        $cm->section = $sectionid->id; // from mdl_course_sections
        $cm->visible = 1;
        $cm->visibleold = 1;
        $cm->showavailability = 1;
        $cm->added = time();

        $cmid = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $cm);

        // add module to course section so it'll be visible
        if ($DB->record_exists('course_sections', array('course' => $courseid, 'section' => 1))) {
            $sectionid = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('course' => $courseid, 'section' => 1));

            // if sequence is not empty, add another course_module id
            if (!empty($sectionid->sequence)) {
                $sequence = $sectionid->sequence . ',' . $cmid;
            } else {
                // if sequence is empty, add course_module id
                $sequence = $cmid;

            $course_section = new stdClass();
            $course_section->id = $sectionid->id;
            $course_section->course = $courseid;
            $course_section->section = 1;
            $course_section->sequence = $sequence;
            $csid = $DB->update_record('course_sections', $course_section);

        } else {

            $sequence = $cmid;

            $course_section = new stdClass();
            $course_section->course = $courseid;
            $course_section->section = 1;
            $course_section->sequence = $sequence;

            $csid = $DB->insert_record('course_sections', $course_section);

        rebuild_course_cache($courseid, true);      

        // get context again, this time with all resources present
        $context = get_folder($courseid, $resource_name);
        return $context;

    } else {
        $context = context_module::instance($coursemodule->cmid); 

        return $context;
} // get_folder
answered by 23.09.2016 / 10:48