I am working on a Dialogflow project where I need access to the data of the users who access my agent. I want to use at least the user's name to create a document with his name in Firebase firestore. I already know that I need permission to access user data, but when I run the code, it does not show me results.
I hope you can help me get even if it's just the user's name.
I leave my name request code in case you want to review it.
app.intent('nombre', (conv) => {
conv.data.requestedPermission = 'NAME';
return conv.ask(new Permission({
context: 'para obtener tu nombre',
permissions: conv.data.requestedPermission,
app.intent('user_info', (conv, params, permissionGranted)=> {
if (permissionGranted) {
const {requestedPermission} = conv.data;
if (requestedPermission === 'NAME') {
const {name} = conv.user;
if (name) {
return conv.close('eres ${name}');
} else {
return conv.close('lo siento, no puedo obtener tu nombre');
} else {
return conv.close('Permisos denegados');