I'm doing a web application, in which the backend is developed with entity framework and web api, I have a table in the bd of places with their google coordinates, I get these coordinates and I get a list of places in JSON format for example
"Lugares": [
{"nombre":"casa1", "lat":"-34.41121", "lng":"-54.544"},
{"nombre":"casa2", "lat":"-34.41121", "lng":"-54-122"},
{"nombre":"casa3", "lat":"-34.41121", "lng":"-54-877"},
I get these data by making a call to the web api ... Once I have them in the list I get the user's location with
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
console.log("Found your location nLat : " + position.coords.latitude + " nLang :" + position.coords.longitude);
Now what I want to do is draw on the map, the json points obtained from the database, close to the one obtained from the user of your browser ... How can I do this? thank you very much