I have a problem and I do not know how to solve it, I have a table where the items registered at the end of each column are displayed I have a editar
button, by giving click
in any, it will open a modal
with the data loaded, previously registrados
, all data load perfectly in your input, except two select
If I try to make an update in any other field, first I must return to choose the Category so that its Item appears, otherwise it will not do anything and does not update.
I just need to load that value when the edit modal opens, but I do not know how to do it.
This is the function that is executed when clicking on the edit button, and where I load the values in the input.
function editModal(cat_name,idSub,numFile,description_item,price_item,manufacturer,model_item,reorder_Level,target_Stock,image,
if(parseInt(status) === 0)
title: "Para actualizar debe cambiar status del Item\n"+ description_item,
text: "¡Imposible actualizar!",
icon: "warning",
} else{
// $('#modalParaEditar').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false});
document.getElementById("id").value = cat_name+ "-" +"00"+ idSub+"-"+numFile;
document.getElementById("EdititemDes").value = description_item;
document.getElementById("Editprice").value = price_item;
document.getElementById("Editmanufacturer").value = manufacturer;
document.getElementById("Editmodel").value = model_item;
document.getElementById("Editmin").value = reorder_Level;
document.getElementById("Editmax").value = target_Stock;
document.getElementById('imagenEditar').src = "http://localhost/WareHouse/assets/img/" + image;
document.getElementById("Editcomment").value = commentt;
document.getElementById("lastDate").value = registerDate;
document.getElementById("Editcategory").value = id_category; //
document.getElementById("Editsupplier").value = id_supplier; //
document.getElementById("Editunit").value = id_unit; //
document.getElementById("Edititem").value = idSub;
document.getElementById("Editlocation").value = id_location; //
document.getElementById("Editengineer").value = id_engineer; //
document.getElementById("pk").value = numFile;
Here I am loading the values of select
, however the select Item
appears blank.
Example: If I want to modify the value of any other input
but leave the same Category
, I must select it before so that its Item
appears and so I can successfully make the update, otherwise it will not.
document.getElementById("Editcategory").value = id_category;
document.getElementById("Edititem").value = idSub;
This is the function
that is executed when selecting the select
of Category
and showing the data of the next one.
function secondCombo(id_category)
console.log("Entre a second combo");
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.open('GET', 'http://localhost/WareHouse/apis/sub_category.php?id_category='+ id_category);
x.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (x.status == 200 && x.readyState == 4) {
//Toma los dos selectores
var combo = document.getElementById('item');
var comboEditar = document.getElementById('Edititem');
var JSONdata = JSON.parse(x.responseText);
var sub =JSONdata.subItems;
document.getElementById('item').options.length = 0;
document.getElementById('Edititem').options.length = 0;
//Llena el combo para editar
for(var i = 0; i < sub.length; i++)
//Crea una opcion de selector
var option = document.createElement('option');
//Aniade propiedades a la opcion
option.value = sub[i].id_category;
// option.innerHTML = sub[i].idSub;
option.innerHTML = sub[i].n;
//Llena el combo para agregar
for(var i = 0; i < sub.length; i++)
//Crea una opcion de selector
var option = document.createElement('option');
//Aniade propiedades a la opcion
option.value = sub[i].id_category;
// option.innerHTML = sub[i].idSub;
option.innerHTML = sub[i].n;
In conclusion, I need to want to edit and open the respective modal
, Item also show its value with which it was registered, since otherwise you can not do update
This is the code html
where the function is called to assign the item to category
, chosen, only to edit it the item does not show its value, that is, if I want to leave the same category
I must choose for the value to appear and then, only later if you update.
<div class="col-md-3 ml-auto">
<select onchange="secondCombo(this.value)" class="form-control" id="Editcategory" >
The button I am creating it within a function js to create and fill the table, and I just call the function editmodal
to assign the values to the input.
edit.setAttribute("onclick", "editModal('" + articulos[i].cat_name +"', '" +
articulos[i].idSub +"','" +
articulos[i].numFile +"', '" + articulos[i].description_item +"', '" +
articulos[i].price_item +"', '" + articulos[i].manufacturer +"', '"+
articulos[i].model_item +"', '" + articulos[i].reorder_Level +"','" +
articulos[i].target_Stock +"','" + articulos[i].image +"','" +
articulos[i].commentt +"','" + articulos[i].registerDate +"', '"+
articulos[i].id_category +"','" + articulos[i].id_supplier +"','" +
articulos[i].id_unit +"','" + articulos[i].id_location +"','" + articulos[i].id_engineer +"','" + articulos[i].idSub +"',)");