How to avoid flashing in console in c and the trace of a moving character


I'm doing a project for the school that consists of drawing a picture using gotoxy and printing asterisks; The fact is that this box has to be moved if I press the arrow keys. I already managed to make the painting move, the problem is that it leaves a trace when moving and it constantly flashes, that happens with any text that it puts. My question is, how do I avoid blinking? It looks very ugly.

        #define derecha 77
        #define izquierda 75
        #define abajo 80
        #define arriba 72
        using namespace std;
        void gotoxy(int x, int  y)
            COORD  pos = {x,y};
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), pos);

        int main()
       int i,j,x,y,m=0,n=0;
       y = 10;
       bool fin = false;
       char tecla;

          tecla = getch();

            if(tecla == derecha)m++;
            if(tecla == arriba) n--;
            if(tecla == abajo) n++;
            if(tecla == izquierda) m--;
                for(i=0+x; i<=6+x;i++)//cuadro 
                        for(j=1+y; j<=3+y; j++)
                  gotoxy(20,2); printf("presiona las flechas para mover el teclado");
asked by arturo 19.11.2018 в 21:18

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