I am developing an application that has the share action in Google+. When one shares, the publication that I am going to leave next in the image comes out. The question is: How can I modify the photo that is marked in brown? How can I modify the text of the photo that appears in red?
I want the 2 things to be dynamic. For example: If I share something related to a place that sells pizzas, that in the photo of the publication I get the photo of that place that sells pizzas and in turn that I get a descriptive text of that place in the part that is highlighted in red.
This is my code that I have to edit the publication that is shared on Google +
Intent shareIntent = new PlusShare.Builder(getApplication()) .setType("text/plain") .setText("este es el titulo de la publicacion en G+") .setContentUrl(Uri.parse("https://developers.google.com/+/")) .getIntent(); startActivityForResult(shareIntent, 0);
Thank you very much, I hope to be clear with the questions.