was making a window to show a result of another web page that requires the sending of data by POST. So far no problem, I open a form and send it and it works correctly. The problem comes when I want to put it in an IFRAME (to be shown in a box in my venatana, the POST values are not sent.
PHP Code
<div class="col-md-12">
<form id="envio_datos" class="hidden" action="https://sis-t.redsys.es:25443/sis/realizarPago" method="POST" target="iframe_marco">
Ds_SignatureVersion:<input type="text" id="Ds_SignatureVersion" name="Ds_SignatureVersion" value=""/><br>
Ds_MerchantParameters:<input type="text" id="Ds_MerchantParameters" name="Ds_MerchantParameters" value=""/><br>
Ds_Signature:<input type="text" id="Ds_Signature" name="Ds_Signature" value=""/><br>
<input id="realizarPago" type="submit" value="Realizar Pago"/>
<div class="table-responsive" id="iframe_resultado" height="500" width="100%">
JS code
> //$('#envio_datos').removeClass("hidden");
$('#enviar_datos').attr('action', url);
//var html_iframe = '<iframe id="iframe_marco" src="' + url + '" height="500" width="100%"></iframe>';
// $('#iframe_resultado').html(html_iframe);