Progress Bar Control ON / OFF


Hi, I'm trying to make a section where the content is displayed randomly. For this I am using the following.

  • Content that refreshes every x seconds.
  • A progress bar showing the time before refreshing
  • A toogle on / off to activate and deactivate the auto / refresh.
  • I have encountered the following inconvenience; that when you turn off the refresh the progress bar keeps running and the result is weird.

    My question would be how can I synchronize the toogle with the progress bar so that it stops once it is deactivated and vice versa?

    I'm very clumsy with javascript is not very strong I hope you can help me.

    function reFresh()
        var repeticion = window.setInterval("reFresh()",30000);
        UIkit.util.ready(function () {
            var bar = document.getElementById('js-progressbar');
            var animate = setInterval(function () {
                bar.value += 10;
                if (bar.value >= bar.max) {
            }, 3300);
    <div class="uk-grid-collapse uk-child-width-expand@m uk-margin" uk-grid uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-animation-fade; target: > div > delay: 500; repeat: true">
        <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-flex-center">
            <div class="uk-card-body uk-width-expand uk-text-center uk-light uk-padding-small">
            <!-- Aqui el contenido -->
                <?php if ($this->checkPosition('letra_cancion')) : ?>
                  <p><?php echo $this->renderPosition('letra_cancion'); ?></p><?php endif; ?>
               <!-- Fin del contenido -->
    <!-- Boton para refrescar manual -->
    <div class="uk-text-center uk-padding-small">
    	<a id="actualizar" href="javascript:location.reload()"  onclick="UIkit.notification({message: 'Volai-vai OUTRA!...', pos: 'top-center'})"><span uk-icon="icon: refresh; ratio: 1.5" uk-tooltip="Refrescar cantiga"></span></a>
    <!-- Control de auto/refrescar -->
    <div class="uk-text-center" uk-tooltip="Desactivar Aleatoria">
    	<form class="toogle-dn" action="" onclick="window.clearInterval(repeticion);"><input class="toogle-dni" type="checkbox" id="toogle" /><label class="toogle-dni" for="toogle"></label></form>
    <div class="progresgh"><progress id="js-progressbar" class="uk-progress parapan" value="10" max="100"></progress></div>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    asked by Diego Pintos 05.11.2018 в 13:01

    1 answer


    To stop a setInterval you can use the clearInterval() method. It works like this:

    var miInterval = setInterval(function () { // Imprime hola cada 1 segundo
    }, 1000);
    function detener() {

    In your case you would have to do clearInterval(animate) for the bar to stop.

    You can find more information about the clearInterval() function at this link: link

    answered by 05.11.2018 в 13:30