I'm wanting to show a list of data obtained from the database the query and I tried it and it is correct since I print it in the console but at the time of showing them I get the following
I have in a class that is where the text obtained from the database is supposed to be assigned public GameObject number; public GameObject question; public GameObject answer;
public void ponerEjercicios(string num, string preg, string resp)
this.numero.GetComponent<Text>().text = num;
this.pregunta.GetComponent<Text>().text = preg;
this.respuesta.GetComponent<Text>().text = resp;
In this method I get from the database and I try to put it in the group
for (int i = 0; i < preguntas.Count; i++)
GameObject tempPrefab = Instantiate(preguntasPrefabs);
MostrarPreguntas mostrarTemp = preguntas[i];
mostrarTemp.Pregunta, mostrarTemp.Respuesta);
Debug.Log("#"+ (i + 1)+" "+ mostrarTemp.Pregunta+" "+ mostrarTemp.Respuesta);