Not working UI-GRID AngularJS


I'm trying to make a table that can be sorted, in AngularJS with ui-grid. The html code is this:

<div class="ui-grid" ui-grid="$ctrl.gridOptions" ui-grid-pagination ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-auto-resize></div>

In the js, the data that I want to show in the table is in this array:

vm.lista = [
            "fd_ini": "01/01/18",
            "fd_fin": "01/01/19",
            "ds_tipo": "TURISMO",
            "in_tipo": "2,10",
            "anyo": 2018
            "fd_ini": "02/01/18",
            "fd_fin": "02/01/19",
            "ds_tipo": "TURISMO",
            "in_tipo": "2,20",
            "anyo": 2018
            "fd_ini": "03/01/18",
            "fd_fin": "03/01/19",
            "ds_tipo": "TURISMO",
            "in_tipo": "3,10",
            "anyo": 2018
            "fd_ini": "03/01/18",
            "fd_fin": "03/01/19",
            "ds_tipo": "TURISMO",
            "in_tipo": "3,10",
            "anyo": 2017
            "fd_ini": "02/01/18",
            "fd_fin": "03/01/19",
            "ds_tipo": "TURISMO",
            "in_tipo": "3,10",
            "anyo": 2018

And to be able to do the ui-grid and order it:

vm.gridOptions = {
            enableSorting: true,
            columnDefs: [
              {field: 'fd_ini', displayName: 'FD_INI', cellTooltip: function(row){return row.entity.fd_ini}},
              {field: 'fd_fin', displayName: 'FD_FIN', cellTooltip: function(row){return row.entity.fd_fin}},
              {field: 'ds_tipo', displayName: 'DS_TIPO', cellTooltip: function(row){return row.entity.ds_tipo}},
              {field: 'in_tipo', displayName: 'IN_TIPO', cellTooltip: function(row){return row.entity.in_tipo}},
              {field: 'anyo', displayName: 'ANO', cellTooltip: function(row){return row.entity.anyo}}
            onRegisterApi: function( gridApi ) {
              vm.gridApi = gridApi;
              //gridApi = gridApi.core.resfresh;
    } =;

And I do not paint any data or any column. I do not know much about angular and maybe the answer is very obvious for some, I hope you can help me, thank you very much!

asked by Richard Sánchez Coliao 25.10.2018 в 10:13

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