I have this problem: I am doing a real-time query to firebase firestore in javascript my code is this:
first = db.collection("messages")
.where("codeConversation", "==", codeConversation)
.orderBy("date", "desc")
first.onSnapshot(function (querySnapshot) {
//.. demás ejecución
I read the documentation on how to stop it but I do not understand how to apply it says it should be the following:
var unsubscribe = db.collection("cities")
.onSnapshot(function () {});
// ...
// Stop listening to changes
I tried to replace the previous code with my own query in the following way to stop it but it did not work
var unsubscribe = db.collection("messages")
.where("codeConversation", "==", codeConversation)
.orderBy("date", "desc")
.limit(25).onSnapshot(function (querySnapshot) {
// ... demás ejecución
// Stop listening to changes