To be able to make queries with Eloquent, it is necessary to define the relationships that exist between the models by adding methods in both classes. There are different types of relationships: "one to one", "one to many", "many to many", among others.
Learn more about relationships
The find
method allows you to obtain a record based on your primary key. "Getting an instance of a model"
Select users_groups.Name
FROM tm_employee
WHERE = $variable
is equivalent to
$user = App\User::find($userID);
Returns the user who has the indicated ID.
The with
method allows you to obtain one or more relationships in a single operation. Receive a string with the name of the relation or an array of strings with the names of the relationships that interest you. Eager Loading
Select users_groups.Name
FROM tm_employee
INNER JOIN users ON tm_employee.UserId =
INNER JOIN users_groups ON users.groupId =
is equivalent to
$users = App\User::with(['userGroup', 'employee'])->get();
Returns the full list of users including their group and their data as an employee.
Using both methods, it would be this way in the controller
$user = App\User::with(['userGroup', 'employee'])->find($userID);