How to filter a table with a page?


I have a paged table, I also have a js function to filter data; only that the data is filtered in the current page and not in all the data

this is the view:

<table class="table table-hover table-striped table-bordered" id="MyTable">
                        <th>Apellidos y Nombres</th>
                        <th colspan="3"><center>Acciones</center></th>
                      <td colspan="5">
                        <input id="buscar" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Escriba algo para filtrar" />
                     <tr v-for="persona in personas">
                         <td width="10px">@{{ persona.PERS_varDNI}}</td>
                         <td>@{{ persona.PERS_varApPaterno}} @{{ persona.PERS_varApMaterno}}, @{{ persona.PERS_varNombres}}</td>
                         <td width="10px">
                             <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Agregar contrato</a>                
                         <td width="10px">
                             <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm" v-on:click.prevent="editPersona(persona)">Editar</a>                
                         <td width="10px">
                             <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" v-on:click.prevent="deletePersonas(persona.PERS_varDNI)">Eliminar</a>
                <ul class="pagination">
                    <li v-if="pagination.current_page > 1">
                        <a href="#" @click.prevent="changePage(pagination.current_page - 1)">

                    <li v-for="page in pagesNumber" v-bind:class="[ page == isActived ? 'active':'']">
                        <a href="#" @click.prevent="changePage(page)">
                            @{{ page }}

                    <li v-if="pagination.current_page < pagination.last_page">
                        <a href="#" @click.prevent="changePage(pagination.current_page + 1)">

the js is:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var busqueda = document.getElementById('buscar');
    var table = document.getElementById("MyTable").tBodies[0];

    buscaTabla = function(){
      texto = busqueda.value.toLowerCase();
      var r=0;
      while(row = table.rows[r++])
        if ( row.innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(texto) !== -1 )
 = null;
 = 'none';

    busqueda.addEventListener('keyup', buscaTabla);

the functions in vuejs are:

            var urlPersona='personas?page='+page;
changePage: function(page){

            this.pagination.current_page = page;

and the driver to retrieve the data:

public function index(Request $request)
        return [
            'pagination' => [
                'total' => $personas->total(),
                'current_page' => $personas->currentPage(),
                'per_page' => $personas->perPage(),
                'last_page' => $personas->lastPage(),
                'from' => $personas->firstItem(),
                'to' => $personas->lastItem(),
            'personas' => $personas

the filter only works on the current page, I need it to be filtered on all the pages

asked by hans 02.04.2018 в 19:37

2 answers


I had this same situation with a library of books, you can apply a v-if and use two drivers, when you do a search you could bring API data using another controller that brings you all the records and use Javascript prototype filter, or you can create a query using a LIKE of javascript. example:

    <div v-if="esVisible">Contenido por página</div>
    <div v-else>Todo el contenido</div>

As I commented to you with filter, it will be more elegant, when you perform the searches, But the load on the client will be greater and it may not turn out in the long run.

answered by 02.04.2018 в 21:10

I have a small solution, although it only works on 1 page:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var busqueda = document.getElementById('buscar');
    var table = document.getElementById("MyTable").tBodies[0];
    buscaTabla = function(){
      texto = busqueda.value.toLowerCase();
      var r=0;
      while(row = table.rows[r++])
        if ( row.innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(texto) !== -1 )
 = null;
 = 'none';

    busqueda.addEventListener('keyup', buscaTabla);       
answered by 05.04.2018 в 16:20