I have a very strange problem. I am developing a functionality in C # with MVC 3. When clicking on a tab, the controller returns a partial view and in turn this view calls a javascript file that draws a graph. The first time the system is seen, the system works perfectly, the JS files run normally. But if I click on that tab again (or go to another one and come back), those files are no longer executed. Debugging the code, I see that effectively the view is executed and the lines calling the JS methods also , but inexplicably the control never passes to these files. The weirdest thing is that the Chrome console does not return any error
I have the following code in my view (aspx):
<div class="widget-content">
<div id="containerWidgetTension" style="height: 300px; min-width: 310px; text-align: center; font-weight: bolder"></div>
UrlAccion = Url.Action("GetSerieGraficoTension", "Terminales");
<script src="content/JS/Graficos/graficotension.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function WidgetTension() {
var param = {
accion: '<%= UrlAccion %>',
container: 'containerWidgetTension',
terminal: '<%= vd.Terminal.NumeroDeSerie %>',
fechaDesde: '<%= fechaHasta %>',
fechaHasta: '<%= fechaHasta %>',
valorConstante: '<%=ViewBag.ValorConstanteTension%>',
TT: '<%= vd.Terminal.TT %>'
$(function () {
And the Javascript function is in a separate file called graficotension.js:
function MostrarGraficoTension(param) {
accion = param.accion;
terminal = param.terminal;
fechaDesde = param.fechaDesde;
fechaHasta = param.fechaHasta;
monofasico = param.monofasico;
mostrarUmbrales = param.mostrarUmbrales;
umbralTensionMaxima = param.umbralTensionMaxima;
umbralTensionMinima = param.umbralTensionMinima;
valorConstante = param.valorConstante;
TT = param.TT;
var container = param.container;
function createChart(data) {
(resto del codigo)
var url = accion;
var parametros = "?Terminal=" + terminal + "&FechaDesde=" + fechaDesde + "&FechaHasta=" + fechaHasta;
url = url + parametros;
$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
}).fail(function(jqXHR, status, error){
$('#' + container).css('cursor', 'default');
$('#' + container).text("Error cargando la serie.");
var errorStr = "Error - " + status + " - " + error;
Thank you very much!