Car rental, python have more than one car available


Thanks to the response of @ aeportugal, I have solved the inconvenience of checking if a car is available again to rent, now to do it with 2 or more cars, the level of complexity goes up.

This application simulates a system for renting vehicles, each day a customer can rent x amount of vehicles (this value is given by a #alternative), followed by a variable available that looks at the amount of cars available to rent (to have more cars than available vehicles, a fine is charged). If there are available vehicles, another #random will run to know how many days you will use them. and the rental price is calculated and totaled.

In the code is the Auto class, where the car is initialized and the rent price by the constructor. followed by three methods:
sumar_ganancia > is encartga of adding the profit that obtained every day.
subtract_dia_to_delete > subtract the days I rent the car to 0, to make the car available again.
verify_availability > check if there is a car available to use.
the output of this program is as follows.

1       autoA   2       1       0.024   0       -
1       autoB   1       1       0.990   4       -
2       autoA   3       1       0.721   4       -
2       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
3       autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
3       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
4       autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
4       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
5       autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
5       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
6       autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
6       autoB   1       1       0.762   4       -
7       autoA   1       1       0.507   3       -
7       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
8       autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
8       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
9       autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
9       autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500
10      autoA   -       0       -       -       +$100
10      autoB   -       0       -       -       +$500

El autoA ganó $700
El autoB ganó $4000
--------------------------Fin del programa---------------------------

The code is this;

from random import random

class Auto:
    def __init__(self, nombre_auto, renta_por_dia):
        self.nombre_auto = nombre_auto
        self.renta_por_dia = renta_por_dia
        self.dias_por_devolucion = 0
        self.ganancia = 0

    def sumar_ganancia(self):
        self.ganancia += self.renta_por_dia

    def restar_dia_por_devolver(self):
        self.dias_por_devolucion -= 1

    def verificar_disponibilidad(self):
        disponibilidad = 0 if self.dias_por_devolucion > 0 else 1
        return disponibilidad

# ######## INICIO DE EJECUCION ################
vehiculos = {'autoA':100,'autoB':500}
dias_de_simulacion = 10
i = 1

objetos = []
for nombre_auto, precio_de_renta in vehiculos.items():
    # Convertir cada elemento en objeto
    objetos.append(Auto(nombre_auto, precio_de_renta))

while i <= dias_de_simulacion:
    for autoObj in objetos:
        if autoObj.verificar_disponibilidad() > 0:

            if aleatorio > 0.61:
                nAutos = 4
            elif aleatorio > 0.31:
                nAutos = 3
            elif aleatorio > 0.21:
                nAutos = 2
            elif aleatorio > 0.10:
                nAutos = 1
                nAutos = 0

            # Si el vehiculo esta disponible se genera un numero al azar para ese objeto
            aleatorioD = random()
            if aleatorioD > 0.61:
                dias_de_renta = 4
            elif aleatorioD > 0.31:
                dias_de_renta = 3
            elif aleatorioD > 0.21:
                dias_de_renta = 2
            elif aleatorioD > 0.10:
                dias_de_renta = 1
                dias_de_renta = 0 # No se rento el auto

            autoObj.dias_por_devolucion = dias_de_renta
            print('{}\t{}\t{}\t1\t{}\t{}\t-'.format(i, autoObj.nombre_auto,nAutos, str(aleatorioD)[0:5], dias_de_renta))
            # Si el vehiculo no esta disponible, es porque esta siendo usado, por lo que se cobra el dia
            print('{}\t{}\t-\t0\t-\t-\t+${}'.format(i, autoObj.nombre_auto, autoObj.renta_por_dia))
    i += 1

# Total de ganancia
for autoObj in objetos:
    print("El {} ganó ${} ".format(autoObj.nombre_auto, autoObj.ganancia))

print("--------------------------Fin del programa---------------------------")

I am trying to do it with more than one car available, I still have problems. Does anyone have any idea how to do it?

asked by JUAN RAMIREZ 17.10.2018 в 01:26

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