In my work I have to enter multiple hosts and execute wmic commands to get information from each computer using PSEXEC from pstool.
An example of the command that I have to enter to connect is the following:
psexec \HOST cmd.exe
This is executed and opens the cmd of the entered host. To speed things up I wanted to make a .bat to execute these wmic commands, but whenever I execute the command psexec is waiting for something to enter it by keyboard and I do not want it to wait for that, but to indicate it in some way like parameter.
What I have in my .bat is the following:
for /f %%a in (hostAlcanzables.txt) do (
echo HOST: %%a
cd pstool
psexec \%%a cmd.exe
wmic bios get manufacturer
wmic bios get serialnumber
wmic cpu get name
wmic memphysical get maxCapacity
wmic logicaldisk get size
I have in a file all the hosts that can be connected at this moment, I go through each one with a for
, I connect to the cmd of the host in that position. But I want you to run those wmic commands, however when you run psexec
the cmd window opens and you wait.
How can I solve it? Thanks