I am developing an application and I have encountered the following problem:
By pressing the "Analyze" button, I dynamically create JavaScript with different
containing their own table with data. The problem arises that pressing the same button a second time "duplicates" the data in the tables. -
To avoid the problem before the creation of the
I check if they are created or not, and if they exist, I delete all the elements it contains ("children") in order to recreate them but with the updated information. -
The thing is that I can not get the
duplicates, but within these the information in the table itself is duplicated and I can not find a way to avoid it.
I leave the initial HTML (in the div "background" is where the new div
with their tables are inserted):
function GetInformation() {
var section = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "F"];
var div = document.getElementById("top-mail-box");
//<---------- Compruebo si existen los div --------->
if (div != null) {
var parent = div.parentElement;
} else {
alert("No existe la caja previamente creada.");
//<---------- Resto del código que me inserta los datos de las tablas --------->
url: '../GetInformation',
type: 'GET',
datatype: 'text',
success: function(json) {
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.className = "top-mail-box";
content.id = "top-mail-box";
for (i = 0; i < section.length; i++) {
//SECTION (creación de los distintos Div)
var meanDiv = document.createElement("div");
meanDiv.className = "accordion-group";
meanDiv.id = "meanDiv";
var firstDiv = document.createElement("div");
firstDiv.className = "accordion-heading";
var firstA = "<a class='section_title'>" + section[i] + "</a>";
var secondA = "<a class='section_icon' data-toggle='collapse' onclick='Section(" + "\"" + section[i] + "\"" + ")'>" +
"<i id ='" + section[i] + "-icon' class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down'>" + "</i>" +
"</a >";
firstDiv.innerHTML = firstA + secondA;
var secondDiv = document.createElement("div");
secondDiv.className = "accordion-body collapse";
secondDiv.id = section[i];
var internalsecondDiv = document.createElement("div");
internalsecondDiv.className = "accordion-inner";
var tablesecondDiv = document.createElement("table");
tablesecondDiv.className = "table table - striped table - condensed";
tablesecondDiv.id = section[i] + "table";
//THEAD (creación del encabezado de las tablas)
var theadElement = document.createElement("thead");
var trElement = document.createElement("tr");
trElement.className = "columns";
var row = "<th>Category</th><th>Key</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th>";
trElement.innerHTML = row;
document.getElementById(section[i] + "table").appendChild(theadElement);
//TBODY (inserción de los datos en cada tabla)
var tbodyElement = document.createElement("tbody");
for (j = 0; j < json.length; j++) {
if (json[j].ConfigFile == files[i]) {
var trElementBody = document.createElement("tr");
trElementBody.id = "row";
var tdElement = "<td>" + json[j].Category + "</td><td>" + json[j].Key + "</td><td>" + json[j].Value + "</td><td>" + json[j].Description + "</td>";
trElementBody.innerHTML = tdElement;
document.getElementById(section[i] + "table").appendChild(tbodyElement);
error: function(xhr, status) {
alert(xhr + " : " + status);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="mail-box">
<div id="background" class="background">
<div class="pbottom">
<div class="pull-right">
<input type="submit" value="Analyse" class="btn btn-primary correct" onclick="GetInformation()" />
It would also be good for me to always refresh the page initially and then call the GetInformation () function but I can not make it run sequentially.