Console Error "Uncaught TypeError: Can not read property 'getAttribute' of null" [duplicate]


Some way to fix the Error in the console on Google "Uncaught TypeError: Can not read property 'getAttribute' of null at HTMLDocument.init"


const TypeWriter = function(txtElemente, words, wait = 2000) {
 this.txtElemente = txtElemente;
 this.words = words;
 this.txt = "";
 this.wordIndex = 0;
 this.wait = parseInt(wait, 10);
 this.isDeleting = false;

// Type Method
TypeWriter.prototype.type = function() {
 setTimeout(() => this.type(), 500);

//Init On Dom Load
document.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", init)

//Init App
function init() {
    const txtElemente = document.querySelector(".txt-type");
    const words = JSON.parse(txtElemente.getAttribute("data-words"));
    const wait = txtElemente.getAttribute("data-wait");

    // Init Typer Writer
    new TypeWriter(txtElemente, words, wait);
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Console error on Google

I'm not sure why this error. Thanks for helping me:)

asked by Sergio A Castañeda Venegas 08.10.2018 в 09:24

1 answer


You do not have any class called .txt-type, you're calling it in the document.querySelector but since there is no class called that way, it throws that error to you

answered by 08.10.2018 в 18:10