I have a problem with sequelize, I need to consult several tables in the same query, these are nested with Include: [] so fine, but I need to pass the result of a nested table (coins) to another table of another include (prices), since with respect to that value of the table coins a WHERE must be made in the table prices.
Example code:
where : {id_tienda: '4'},
attributes: ['id_tienda'],
include : [
model : db.cuentas,
as : "cuentas",
attributes: ['id_cuenta','numero'],
required: false,
include : [
model : db.monedas, // MONEDAS
as : "monedas",
attributes: ['id_moneda'], // este valor es el que se tiene que pasar a la tabla precios ubicada mas abajo
required: false
model : db.programas,
as : "programas",
attributes: ['titulo'],
required: false,
include : [
model : db.precios, //PRECIOS
as : "precio"
where: {id_moneda: /*aqui necesito el id_moneda*/ }]},
attributes: ['valor'],
through: { attributes: [] },
required: false
Thank you for the time given.