I have the following method that returns a list, from which I want to retrieve a field and if you bring it to me, I use the model to send the value of that field to the jsp, but it does not show anything in the browser console
@RequestMapping(value= "/obtenerLista", method=(RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET), consumes= MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public JsonResponseGeneric<TipoCliente> llenaLista(@RequestBody JsonResponse datosJson, Model model){
ObjectMapper object = new ObjectMapper();
ClaseDTO parametro = object.readValue(datosJason.getJson(), ClaseDTO.class);
JsonResponseGeneric<TipoCliente> listaCliente = new JsonResponseGeneric<TipoCliente>();
List<TipoCliente> llenaLista = srvicio.consultaLista(parametro.getServicio());
model.addAttribute("valorTipo", llenaLista.get(0).getIdTipoServicio());
return listaCliente;
and in my jsp I recover it in a hidden input
<input type="hidden" id="inputTipo" name="inputTipo" value="${llenaLista.get(0).getIdTipoServicio()}"
console.log("id" +$("#inputTipo").val());
How can I recover this information and send it to my jsp? I hope you can support me