Good afternoon, valuable community. I have a problem in JS in two functions. It should be noted that it works normally in browser desktop , but in mobile it does not work. Problem: when I add ONE product to the cart in mobile view
, the cart counter increases by +10, the total price also. The functions are the following:
function carttotalamount() {
svar productsArray = [];
var sum = 0;
var totalItems = 0;
var totalQuantity = 0;
var test1 = 1;
$("#cspositionstatic .productrow").each(function( i ) {
var price = $(this).find(".cspricecrt").val();
var WithoutCPrice = price.replace("$", "");
WithoutCPrice = parseFloat(WithoutCPrice.replace(",", "."));
var qty = $(this).attr("quantity");
var productPrice = parseFloat(qty * WithoutCPrice);
sum += Number(productPrice);
totalQuantity += parseInt(qty);
sum = parseFloat(sum);
if(sum <= 0) {
} else {
var totalprice = String(sum.toFixed(2));
$(".amount.pull-right").html("$ "+totalprice.replace(".", ","));
$("#previewcarttotal").html("$ "+totalprice.replace(".", ","));
if(sum >= 90){
document.getElementById("myCartBar").style.width = "90%";
document.getElementById("freeshipmsg").innerText = "¡Felicitaciones! El envio de tu compra es GRATIS";
document.getElementById("freeship-icon-pump").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("myCartBar").style.width = (sum * 90)/90 + '%';
document.getElementById("freeshipmsg").innerText = "Superando los $90, tu envio es GRATIS";
document.getElementById("freeship-icon-pump").style.display = "none";
if(sum <= 0){