Send within a modal 4 different values in a radio input


I have a sales script and I have been asked to choose one of 4 prices per product within a modal. I have tried in several ways, but I can not understand how to send the 4 prices to a radio input within modal for each line of product to sell you can choose the sale price.

Each line of my sales script is added via javascript:

var addNewRow = function(id){
    html = '<tr id="tr_'+i+'">';
    html += '<td class="prod_c" width="50%"><input type="text" data-type="nombreProd" name="nombreProd[]" id="nombreProd_'+i+'" class="form-control autocomplete_txt" autocomplete="off"></td>';
    html += '<td width="10%"><input type="text" name="cantidad[]" id="cantidad_'+i+'" class="form-control changesNo cq totalCantidad" autocomplete="off" onkeypress="return IsNumeric(event);" ondrop="return false;" onpaste="return false;"></td>';
    html += '<td width="10%"><input type="text" name="venta[]" id="venta_'+i+'" class="form-control changesNo vventa" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#escoger" autocomplete="off" onkeypress="return IsNumeric(event);" ondrop="return false;" onpaste="return false;" readonly="readonly"></td>';
    html += '<td width="25%"><input type="text" name="total[]" id="total_'+i+'" class="form-control totalLinePrice pisto" autocomplete="off" onkeypress="return IsNumeric(event);" ondrop="return false;" onpaste="return false;" ></td>';
    html += '<td class="trash_td"><i class="fa fa-trash fa-delete" aria-hidden="true" data-id="'+i+'"></i></td>';
    html += '</tr>';

    if( typeof id !== "undefined"){


    return (i-1);

I leave my javascript where I make the call to a database and this returns me the values of the product that has been selected:

    type = $(this).data('type');
id_arr = $(this).attr('id');
id = id_arr.split("_");
element_id = id[id.length-1];
autoTypeNo =1;
if(type =='cod' ){
} else if(type =='nombreProd' ) {

    source: function( request, response ) {
            url : 'partes/include/aPos.php',
            dataType: "json",
            method: 'post',
            data: {
               name_startsWith: request.term,
               type: type
            beforeSend: function(){
                $('#msg').html('<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif"/> <span class="label label-primary">verificando</span>');
            success: function( data ) {
                if(!data.length && readonly != 'readonly'){

                    $('#product_code_modal').val( $('#itemNo_'+element_id).val() );
                    $('#product_name_modal').val( $('#itemName_'+element_id).val());


                    //$('#add_product_form').find('.form-group').removeClass('animated fadeIn').addClass('animated fadeIn');

                    /*var result = [
                          label: 'No record found',
                          value: ''
                     response( $.map( data, function( item ) {
                        var code = item.split("|");
                        return {
                            label: code[autoTypeNo],
                            value: code[autoTypeNo],
                            data : item
    autoFocus: true,
    selectFirst: true,
    minLength: 2,
    open: function(e, ui){
        var first = $(".ui-menu-item:eq(0) div").html();

        return false;
    select: function( event, ui ) {
        if( typeof !== "undefined" ){
            var names ="|");
            if( type == 'general'){
                var currentTextid = $('#reciboPos tr:last').find("td.prod_c > input").attr('id');

                if(typeof currentTextid !== 'undefined') {
                    var currentTextArr = currentTextid.split("_");
                    element_id = currentTextArr[currentTextArr.length-1];

                    var cod = $.trim( $("#"+currentTextid).val() );

                    element_id = parseInt(element_id);
                    if (cod !=='') {
                        element_id = addNewRow();
                } else {
                    element_id = addNewRow();

 // Aquí se han agregado los otros tres precios de venta
                return false;

Then I call the modal when I press the sales input

//modal para escoger precio
$('#escoger').on('', function(e) {

    var venta = $('#venta_0'+id[1]).val();
    var venta1 = $('#venta_1'+id[1]).val();
    var venta2 = $('#venta_2'+id[1]).val();
    var venta3 = $('#venta_3'+id[1]).val();


But I can not see the values inside the modal:

<div id="escoger" class="modal fade" role="dialog">
  <div class="modal-dialog">

    <!-- Modal content-->
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
        <h4 class="modal-title">Modal Header</h4>
      <div class="modal-body">

        <label class="radio-inline mr10">
            <input type="radio" name="venta" id="venta_0">1
        <label class="radio-inline mr10">
            <input type="radio" name="venta" id="venta_1">2
        <label class="radio-inline mr10">
            <input type="radio" name="venta" id="venta_2">3
        <label class="radio-inline mr10">
            <input type="radio" name="venta" id="venta_3">4

      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

asked by Joaquín 27.08.2018 в 00:56

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