Print several MultiCells in one line


The problem is that I get data from a mysql database with $tupla=mysqli_fetch_array($bloque); ($ block contains the result of the query), I must write each data in a different column of a pdf, use a for to scroll through all the results and write them all but I happen to write all the results in the same cell, not in different, as if all the information was in a single string.

I append the code I use, the first for prints the headings and the second for the results of each tuple.

$pdf = new FPDF('L','mm','Legal');
for ($c=0; $c < $numeC; $c++){

$numeF= mysqli_num_rows($bloque); 

for ($r=0; $r < $numeF; $r++) {
    for ($c=0; $c<$numeC; $c++){
        $pdf->MultiCell(28.5,3,$tupla[$c]); // Aqui esta el problema, ya intente con Cell(), Write() y Text()

If I print them with echo $tupla[$c] if you throw the results at me, the problem is when you pass them to the PDF. I hope you can help me, thanks.

asked by Arturo Robles 09.08.2018 в 04:58

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