* ngFor to get the firebase key


Hello, my firebase structure is something like this:


My problem is how to get the containers with ngFor what I do is this

 <ion-select [(ngModel)]="numPed">
   <ion-option *ngFor="let item of pedidos" [value]="item.caja">{{ item }}</ion-option>
asked by roberto contreras 09.08.2018 в 02:59

1 answer


I think you want to get the name of the document, you can follow this example of the documentation of angularfire2 .

export interface Shirt { name: string; price: number; }
export interface ShirtId extends Shirt { id: string; }

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: '
      <li *ngFor="let shirt of shirts | async">
        {{ shirt.name }} is {{ shirt.price }}
export class AppComponent {
  private shirtCollection: AngularFirestoreCollection<Shirt>;
  shirts: Observable<ShirtId[]>;
  constructor(private readonly afs: AngularFirestore) {
    this.shirtCollection = afs.collection<Shirt>('shirts');
    // .snapshotChanges() returns a DocumentChangeAction[], which contains
    // a lot of information about "what happened" with each change. If you want to
    // get the data and the id use the map operator.
    this.shirts = this.shirtCollection.snapshotChanges().map(actions => {
      return actions.map(a => {
        const data = a.payload.doc.data() as Shirt;
        const id = a.payload.doc.id;
        return { id, ...data };

Where you create two typescript interfaces, one that emulates the json of your document and another that has a property of type string called id.

You create a firebase collection of type and an observable array of Shirt.

Inside the map you fill the observable (array of Shirt) and add the property id . This way you could use it within an ngfor.

<li *ngFor="let shirt of shirts | async">
  {{ shirt.id }} is {{ shirt.price }}
answered by 09.08.2018 в 04:50