I have the following code, I am trying to build an excel-like filter with the select2. well the filter works and it makes the consultations, but I would like to leave or remember the selected options, since if I make a query and then another ... the previous selection is lost ..
in php with codeigniter I have:
echo form_open(base_url().'modificar_'.$tabla);
foreach ( $campos as $campo => $valor )
foreach ($pops as $fila)
$cuenta=sizeof($registro) - in_array('',$registro);
// Voy imprimiendo el primer select
echo "<th>".$cuenta." <div class='input-group input-group-sm'><select name='".$campo."[]' id='".$campo."[]' class='form select2' multiple='multiple' data-placeholder='$nombres[$campo]'>";
echo "<option value='N'>$nombres[$campo]</option>";
foreach( $registro as $valor2 )
echo "<option value='".$valor2."'";
if ( $valor2 == $valor && $valor != "" )
echo "selected='selected'";
echo ">".$valor2."</option>";
echo "</select><span class='input-group-btn'>
<button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-flat' onclick='this.form.submit();'>Go!</button>
echo "</th>";
echo form_close();
and in my view I have the following javascript:
$(function () {
Even though I have the selected one, it does not leave the selected options.- Could someone help me?