My AJAX response is not shown in my html use Javascript


I decided to ask this question, because most of the answers that I found the programmers use JQuery instead of Javascript , I am Javascript and I did not get any similar cases, the truth seems to me that all my code is fine but unfortunately I could not show the responseText , here is my code:

        <div class="form group">
            <label for="banco">Banco</label>
            <select class="form-control" id="banco" name="banco" aria-describedby="ayuda3" required>
                <option>100% Banco</option>
            <small id="ayuda3" class="form-text text-muted">Indique el banco desde donde realizó la recarga</small>
        <div class="form group">
            <label for="monto">Monto de la Recarga</label>
            <input type="text" class="form-control" id="monto" name="monto" aria-describedby="ayuda5" placeholder="123456789" required>
            <small id="ayuda5" class="form-text text-muted">Indique el monto Bs.S de su recarga</small>
        <div class="form group">
            <label for="ntransferencia">Número de Transferencia</label>
            <input type="text" class="form-control" id="ntransferencia" name="ntransferencia" aria-describedby="ayuda5" placeholder="123456789" required>
            <small id="ayuda5" class="form-text text-muted">Indique el número de referencia de la transferencia</small>
        <div class="form group">
            <label for="fechat">Fecha</label>
            <input type="date" class="form-control" id="fechat" name="fechat" aria-describedby="ayuda6" placeholder="2018-12-12" required>
            <small id="ayuda6" class="form-text text-muted">Indique la fecha de la transferencia</small>
        <div class="form group">
            <label for="telefono">Número de Contacto</label>
            <input type="tel" class="form-control" id="telefono" name="telefono" aria-describedby="ayuda7" pattern="[0-9]{11}" required>
            <small id="ayuda7" class="form-text text-muted">Indique el número de móvil activo para comunicarnos</small>
        <div class="form group">
            <label for="correo">Correo Electrónico</label>
            <input type="email" class="form-control" id="correo" name="correo" aria-describedby="ayuda7" placeholder="[email protected]" required>
            <small id="ayuda7" class="form-text text-muted">Indique el correo con el cual se registró en nuestro sitio.</small>
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="solicitarRecarga()">Recargar</button>
<div id="recargas"></div>

function solicitarRecarga() {

  var ajaxRecarga;
  if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ajaxRecarga = new XMLHttpRequest();} 
  else {ajaxRecarga = new ActiveXObject("Microsfot.XMLHTTP");}

  var a = document.getElementById("monto").value;
  var b = document.getElementById("banco").value;
  var c = document.getElementById("ntransferencia").value;
  var d = document.getElementById("fechat").value;
  var e = document.getElementById("correo").value;
  var f = document.getElementById("telefono").value;
  var drecarga = "monto=" + a + "&banco=" + b + "&ntransferencia=" + c + "&fechat=" + d + "&correo=" + e + "&telefono=" + f;

  ajaxRecarga.onreadystatechange = function()  {
    if(this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {          
        document.getElementById("recargas").innerHTML = this.responseText;}
    }"POST", "recarga.php", true);
    ajaxRecarga.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");


And this is my PHP file:

// Recogemos las variables

//Usuario que es el correo
$usuario = $_POST['correo'];
$banco = $_POST['banco'];
//Monto de la recarga
$monto = $_POST['monto'];
//Número de la transferencia
$transferencia = $_POST['ntransferencia'];
//La fecha de cumpleaño para verificar si es mayor de edad
$fecha = $_POST['fechat'];
//Numero de teléfono de contacto
$telefono = $_POST['telefono'];
//Estado inicial por defecto 
$estado = 'En espera';

//////// CONEXION A LA BASE DE DATOS /////////
include 'conexion.php';
//El encabezado para darle formato al alert
include 'header.php';    

if($conexion->query("INSERT INTO recarga (ID_recarga, usuario, monto, banco, referencia, fecha, telefono, estado)VALUES(null, '$usuario', '$monto', '$banco', '$transferencia', '$fecha', '$telefono', '$estado')")) {

    echo "<div class='container mt-3 mb-3 alert alert-success' role='alert'>
  Hemos recibido su recarga satisfactoriamente, pronto será revisada por nuestros operadores, puede verificar el estado de la misma en el menú izquierdo 'Recargas'.

} else {

    echo "No realiza la consulta";

//Cerramos la conexión


PHP records in the database the information it receives from the form correctly, but failed to show the responseText in my html , also when I use action to the Post file and method from my form, if it shows me the div Alert Boostrap which is the answer I want to show.

asked by Jean Carlo Garcia Quiñones 17.07.2018 в 16:41

1 answer


I have reviewed your code, and I found that the problem is that after the page receives the data, it is recharged, then, if you are receiving it, but when the recharge occurs, the div information is reset, only it happens very fast and it does not show. I suggest you modify the label to prevent this from happening:

<form onsubmit="return false">

That should be enough, I tried it with your code and it worked for me. I'm attentive.

answered by 17.07.2018 в 22:26