Recently I upgraded django from version 1.8 to 1.11 and I have problems with the static loads of the tool django-leaflet
, this is the error:
I have installed:
Django == 1.11.14
django-geojson == 2.11.0
django-leaflet = = 0.24.0
//En la configuracion lo tengo asi:
'TILES': [
{'attribution': '© Programa Salud'}
{'attribution': '© Programa Salud', 'maxZoom': 17}
'SPATIAL_EXTENT': (5.5, 46.0, 8.5, 45),
'DEFAULT_CENTER': (-32.550, -59.582),
'RESET_VIEW': False,
'forms': {
'auto-include': True
'markercluster': {
'css': [
'js': [
'auto-include': True,
//Y en mi plantilla lo tengo asi..
{% load leaflet_tags %}
{% block files %}
{{ block.super }}
{% leaflet_css plugins='markercluster'%}
{% leaflet_js plugins='markercluster'%}
{% endblock files %}