I am trying to send a form and receive the data that comes from the database through JavaScript but it only sends me a message when I want to send the form and it does not bring anything from the database, and the connection does not it throws me no error
This is how I have the form and I try to send it to the database
<form method="POST" id="messageForm">
<textarea name="message" id="" cols="30" rows="10" class="textareaMsg"></textarea>
function LoadChat(){
$.post('../ajax/messages.php?action=getMessages', function(response){
$('.textareaMsg').keyup(function(event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
var message = $('.textareaMsg').val();
$.post('../ajax/messages.php?action=sendMessages&message='+message, function(response){
if (response == 1) {
} else {
return false;
and where I bring the connection and made the querys for the database is as follows
include "../vista/modulos/dbconnect.php";
//$usuarioActual = $_SESSION["id"];
switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
case 'sendMessages':
$query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO messages SET message=?");
$run = $query -> execute([$_REQUEST["message"]]);
if ($run) {
echo 1;
case 'getMessages':
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM messages");
$stmt -> execute();
$rs = $stmt -> fetch();