I have the following button which sends to a JS function and enters correctly
<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="filtrar()"><i class="fa fa-filter"></i> Filtrar</button>
This is my JS function
var save_metodo; //guarda el metodo cadena
var tabla;
function filtrar() {
save_metodo = 'filtrar';
function validar($funcion) {
var url;
var txtDateInicio = document.getElementById('date_inicio').value;
var txtDateFin = document.getElementById('date_fin').value;
//var banderaRBTN = false;
//Test campo obligatorio
if(txtDateInicio === '' && txtDateFin === ''){
alert('esta vacio');
//return false;
} else{
if ($funcion === 'filtrar') {
url = "<?=base_url('index.php/login_controller/perfil_calls')?>/";
}else if ($funcion === 'export_pdf') {
url = "<?=base_url('index.php/login_controller/generar_pdf/')?>";
} else {
url = "<?=base_url('index.php/login_controller/gererar_excel')?>";
// ajax
url : url,
type: "POST",
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(data) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('Error al filtrar');
I need to send the URL variable txtDateHome and txtDateFin as parameter but it is not running, it is entering the error.
My controller function where I should receive the dates as a parameter (it does not necessarily have to be as parameter).
public function perfil_calls($date_inicio, $date_fin) {
$data = array();
$data['calls'] = $this->login_model->rango_calls($date_inicio, $date_fin);
$this->load->view('perfil_view.php', $data);
I hope you can help me.