Jquery does not execute events of elements called dynamically


I tell you: I have an Ajax request that brings me some data and loads it into a table. Between these data there is HTML code of a button, and when it loads, it loads super well. In the template, where the aforementioned table is loaded, I put "listen to the button" that loads the table with the event on ("click", function () ...); what the function does when the button is clicked, is to bring me other data with another HTML code of another button and load them perfectly into another table that I have. perfect, so there are no problems, now when I want to do the same process with the second button, nothing happens, the console.log or anything is not executed. I hope to be explicit enough, I will attach the code anyway. I hope they help me find an answer because I really could not. PDTA: An alternative solution that I have already taken and that works is to create normal functions, and in the html code to put the event onClick="functionParaExecute ()", however I would like to know precisely why it happens and how to solve it based on why. THANK YOU.

$("#btnDlg2").click(function () {
		$("#dlgModal2").modal({backdrop: "static", keyboard: false});

 var $table=$("#tabla_terceros");
 $table.bootstrapTable({data:<?php echo $this->arrayss; ?>});

//Mostrar los planes de cuotas
  var id=$(this).attr('id');
  $.post("./inc/modulos/empresa/cartera/planes_cuotas.php", { nit: id},
    var $table=$("#tabla_pagar");

  console.log("Si entra");
/*  var id_causacion=$(this).attr('id');
  $.post("./inc/modulos/empresa/cartera/planes_cuotas.php", { id_cau: id_causacion},
if (!isset($_SESSION)) session_start();

$tpl = new Savant3(array('template_path' => "../../../../plantillas/"));
require_once ("../../../../class/database.class.php");
require_once ("../../../../class/cuota.class.php");
require_once ("../../../../class/tercero.class.php");
require_once ("../../../../class/ingreso.class.php");
$db=new Connection();
$cuota=new Cuota($db);
$tercero=new Tercero($db);
$ingreso=new Ingreso($db);

if (isset($_POST['id_cau'])) {
echo "Hola";
}else {
  //Trae todos los planes que tenga este tercero
  if (isset($_POST['nit'])) {
    foreach ($datos_cuota as $key => $value) {
      $data_cuote[]=array('id_cuota' =>"".$value->id_cuota."",
                          'pagar'=>"<div class='btn-group' role='group' aria-label='Basic example'>
   <button type='button' id='".$value->id_cau."' class='btn btn-success recaudo'><i class='fa fa-usd' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>

  echo json_encode($data_cuote);
  }else {
    //Trae todos los terceros con plaes
      foreach ($terceros_unicos as $key => $value) {
                             'nombre'=>"".$datos_tercero['nombre1_ter'].' '.$datos_tercero['nombres2_ter']."",
                             'pagar_nuevo'=>"<div class='btn-group' role='group' aria-label='Basic example'>
      <button type='button' id='".$value->nit_ter."' class='btn btn-success pay'>Cobrar <i class='fa fa-usd' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>
      <button type='button' id='".$value->nit_ter."' class='btn btn-primary new_plan'>Nuevo plan <i class='fa fa-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i></button>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 slideInLeft">
  <div class="modal-dialog  modal-lg miClaseModal" id="modal_cuotas">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h4 class="modal-title" id="titulo">Terceros con cuotas pendientes</h4>

      <div class="box-body">

          <table id="tabla_terceros" class="text-uppercase " data-toggle="table"  data-sort-name="name"  data-sort-order="desc" data-show-columns="true"  data-toolbar="#toolbar" data-show-footer="false">
             <thead class="text-left bg-primary">
                  <th data-field="nit"   data-width"" data-align="center">Nit</th>
                  <th data-field="nombre" data-width"" data-sortable="true" >Nombre</th>
                  <th data-field="pagar_nuevo" data-width"20%" data-align="center" data-sortable="true">Opciones</th>


      <div class="modal-footer">


<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12  ">
  <div class="modal-dialog  modal-lg miClaseModal slideInRight" id="modal_cuotas_">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h4 class="modal-title" id="titulo">Planes de cuotas</h4>

      <div class="box-body">

          <table id="tabla_pagar" class="text-uppercase " data-toggle="table"  data-sort-name="name"  data-sort-order="desc" data-show-columns="true"  data-toolbar="#toolbar" data-show-footer="false">
             <thead class="text-left bg-primary">
                  <th data-field="id_cuota" data-align="center">Id cuota</th>
                  <th data-field="tasa_anual"data-align="center"  data-sortable="true" >Tasa anual</th>
                  <th data-field="vlr_cuota"   data-align="center" data-sortable="true">Valor cuota</th>
                  <th data-field="cuota_actual" data-align="center">Cuota actual</th>
                  <th data-field="pagar" data-width"20%" data-align="center" data-sortable="true">Recaudo</th>



      <div class="modal-footer">

asked by Carlos Méndez 04.07.2018 в 22:51

0 answers