I have been using the hayageek plugin to upload files to the server and it has worked quite well, but now that I try to upload files to amazon web services I get the following error:
Bucket POST must contain a field called 'key'. "If specified, check the order of the fields.
and I have read that AWS ignores all fields in the application after the file field, so all other fields must appear before the file. This is the code I am using to upload the file:
url: "amazon.com/bucket",
dynamicFormData: function () {
var data = {
key: "folder/file",
acl: "public-read",
signature: "qqwweerrttyy"
return data;
method: "POST",
enctype: "multipart/form-data",
showPreview: true,
dragDrop: true,
statusBarWidth: 600,
dragdropWidth: 600,
previewHeight: "100px",
previewWidth: "100px",
maxFileSize: 100 * 1024,
dragDropStr: "<span><b>Arrastrar & soltar archivos</b></span>",
uploadStr: "Cargar",
abortStr: "Abortar",
cancelStr: "Cancelar",
doneStr: "Correcto",
multiDragErrorStr: "Multiples archivos de arrastrar & soltar no estan permitidos",
extErrorStr: "No esta permitido. Extenciones permitidas: ",
duplicateErrorStr: "No esta permitido. Ya existe el archivo.",
sizeErrorStr: "No esta permitido. Tamaño maximo: ",
uploadErrorStr: "La carga no esta permitida",
maxFileCountErrorStr: "No esta permitido. Archivos simultaneos maximos permitidos: ",
onSuccess: function (files, data, xhr, pd) {
//files: list of files
//data: response from server
//xhr : jquer xhr object
onError: function (files, status, errMsg, pd) {
//files: list of files
//status: error status
//errMsg: error message
I appreciate any suggestions and help, thank you!