The error you are suffering is due to the fact that when you do not check the check box whose name="chk"
the value $_POST['chk']
is not defined, so it will send you an index warning not defined in the following line:
if ($_POST["chk"] == "")
$chk = 0;
$chk = 1;
I recommend changing it for:
if (empty($_POST["chk"])) {
$chk = 0;
} else {
$chk = 1;
That way you will not mix HTML code of the error with the JSON that must be delivered.
Also, as a protection system against mixing warning or error messages during the development phase , I recommend you do the following:
- Make use of
at the beginning of the PHP script to store this type of messages in a temporary warehouse and not sent to the client until we decide.
- Use
just before the echo json_encode()
to discard the temporary store exit and send the customer only the echo
/* Comenzamos a guardar todo en un almacén temporal */
/* Hacemos nuestro trabajo */
/* ... */
/* Descartamos los mensajes de advertencia previos */
/* Configuramos las cabeceras para los datos enviados */
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
/* Enviamos el JSON al cliente */
echo json_encode($ofi);
In production you should not have any kind of warning, you should debug any case that could occur or instead of using ob_end_clean()
use a ob_get_clean()
and save the messages obtained to a log file using file_put_contents(..., FILE_APPEND)
or error_log()
/* Comenzamos a guardar todo en un almacén temporal */
/* Hacemos nuestro trabajo */
/* ... */
/* Enviamos al log los mensajes de advertencia */
/* Configuramos las cabeceras para los datos enviados */
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
/* Enviamos el JSON al cliente */
echo json_encode($ofi);
PD: Using "$ofi"
instead of $ofi
is redundant (although equivalent). Do not wrap the variables in quotes if you only want to use their content.