Redirect after 5 seconds of the wordpress click


Under Wordpress CMS, what I'm looking for is that after 5 seconds of clicking on a specific button the page is redirected to another url obtained by a php variable.

    <script type="text/javascript">
function sample() {
   setTimeout(function() {'<?php echo esc_attr(wpcoupon_coupon()->get_go_out_url()); ?>', '_self');
   }, 5000); 

And on the button:

<button class="ui right labeled icon button btn btn_secondary" onClick="sample();">
<i class="copy icon"></i>
<span><?php esc_html_e('Copy', 'wp-coupon'); ?></span>

The issue is that in a php file outside of wordpress and varying from the script <?php echo esc_attr(wpcoupon_coupon()->get_go_out_url()); ?> by link works correctly, but by integrating the codes in single.php the url to which it redirects is , adding that last url when the redirect is executed. I have tried to show by php <?php echo esc_attr(wpcoupon_coupon()->get_go_out_url()); ?> and the url that our is correct.

Thank you very much in advance

asked by Pauet 22.06.2018 в 10:20

2 answers


Hello this you can do it in the following way:


Another way is to put a meta tag on the destination php page

//redirecciona en 10 segundos
<meta http-equiv=""refresh content="10,url="/>

Another way is that you use javascripts, but if you use a script blocker it will be canceled

    //primero el php
    header ("refresh:10; url=");

        //Ahora agregas el javascript
        (function() {
        var timeleft = 10,

        var timeDec = function (){
        document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = timeleft;
        if(timeleft === 0){
        cinterval = setInterval(timeDec, 1000);


// te agregare el enlace porque algunas veces me preguntan 
//el procedimiento, creas el estilo del boton con CSS

echo "<a href="ir.php" class=\"boton\">Boton</a>";
//ir.php tiene toda la funcion de temporizacion

You let me know how it worked for you

answered by 22.06.2018 в 16:37

php has a feature called sleep is available since version 4

an example of how to use it


// current time
echo date('h:i:s') . "\n";

// sleep for 10 seconds

// wake up !
echo date('h:i:s') . "\n";


Here you have the link of the documentation

answered by 27.06.2018 в 10:38