Listview with cursoradapter


Someone would have an example of Listview with cursorAdapter . I have a listview that takes two fields from a Sqlite database, and two buttons in each row.

Please, I need help.

private void recuperarTodasPersonas() {
  try {
    baseDatos = new DatabaseHandler(this);

    // Devuelve todas las personas en el objeto Cursor.
    Cursor cursor = baseDatos.obtenerTodasPersonas();

    String[] from = new String[]{

    int[] to = new int[]{,,

    cursorAdapter = new ImagenAdapter(this, cursor, from, to);
  } catch(Exception e) {
    Log.d("Error", "El mensaje de error es: " + e.getMessage());
  } finally {
    // Se cierra la base de datos.

I just need the fields Nombre and Apellidos . I do not know how I have to form the from and the to to show me the list.

asked by sylv 12.06.2018 в 18:25

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